"The Imposing Authority"

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As the sun began to rise, the warmth of its rays through the window awakened me. Sitting up, I felt a sudden pain in my neck. After rotating my head to alleviate some of the discomfort, I realized I had fallen asleep on the sofa. Standing up, I went to start my morning routine.

I chose a very professional outfit that didn't reveal much skin, applied a subtle amount of makeup to enhance my appearance, and checked my phone, discovering a missed call and a text from Director Mixwell.

I unlocked my phone and opened the chat.

"Good morning, today marks the first day of your mission. I hope you are aware of what needs to be done," read the message from Director Mixwell.

I replied, "Yes, Director Mixwell, I'm well-prepared. You don't need to worry about anything; just leave it to me and focus on finding a girlfriend," adding a touch of humor , Smiling at the text, I closed my phone.

Well here cames the plan A , becoming a close person to Mr. Santoro , either by being a secretary or by fucking him , I am joking that's what Sophie said

Leaving my room, I prepared a healthy breakfast. After finishing my meal, I headed straight to my car and drove to the location Mr. Eilo had sent.

Arriving at the company, I approached the receptionist confidently, lifting my head and asking, "Excuse me." She looked up, weary but with a smile, and inquired with a puzzled expression, "Welcome, are you Ms. Isabelle valentino ?" Confirming my identity, I replied, "Yes, it's me." She requested a moment and made a call, during which I took the opportunity to observe the office environment. Shortly after, she informed me, "Ms. Valentino , we request you to wait for a few minutes. The boss is currently in a meeting, and it will conclude shortly. In the meantime, you can take a seat in the waiting room."

Nodding, I walked toward the waiting room and took a seat. I noticed a few guys glancing in my direction, but I chose to ignore them since they appeared to have nothing better to do.

Within 3 minutes, the receptionist returned and informed me that the CEO, Mr. Daniel santoro , was waiting for me. She directed me the way, and as I started my journey to the CEO's office, I noticed a person nodding at me. In return, I gave a confused expression with my eyebrows furrowed and my mouth slightly open. The person then gestured towards the office door.

I couldn't help but wonder why someone was standing like a statue. I kept looking at him until I reached the CEO's room. Knocking on the door twice, I waited until I heard a husky, deep voice say, "Come in."

Entering the room cautiously, I looked around only to find...
no one?

"Please have a seat," a sudden voice startled me, but where the heck was that voice coming from?

Taking my seat cautiously, I concentrated on the surroundings. Then, I noticed a shadow behind the wall where the bookshelves were placed. It dawned on me that there was another room connected to this office.

The person behind the shadow appeared from there, and as I looked at him, I engaged in an intimidating eye contact. Damn, he looked even better in reality. The eye contact momentarily took my breath away, and to my surprise, he didn't break it. Even when he looked away, I kept staring at him , i guess it's time to focus on the mission not on him but i can't help . He eventually came and sat in the CEO's seat.

Mr. Daniel greeted me, "Good morning, Ms. Isabelle valentino . Please share a brief overview of your experience and interest in the personal assistant position." Finally snapping back to reality, I scolded myself internally for the intense eye contact earlier and confidently responded,

"Good morning. I bring a solid background in administration, excelling in organization and task management. I'm drawn to this role for its demand for precision and support."

Handing him my resume, he reviewed it and asked, "Can you highlight a challenging situation you handled in a previous role?"

"Certainly. In a tight deadline situation for a critical presentation, I remained calm, troubleshooted technical issues, and ensured the timely delivery of the presentation."

Mr. Santoro seemed impressed, looked up at me, and there was another intimidating eye contact. He continued, "Efficient. How do you prioritize and manage multiple tasks?"

"I prioritize based on deadlines and importance, using tools like to-do lists. Regular check-ins with the team allow for effective coordination," I replied, maintaining eye contact. Mr. Santoro asked about confidentiality, to which I assured,

"I strictly adhere to confidentiality protocols, ensuring sensitive information is shared only with authorized individuals."

Lastly, he inquired, "What sets you apart from other candidates?" I asserted, "My proactive approach, strong organizational skills, and ability to maintain professionalism under pressure differentiate me for this role."

"Thank you, Ms. Valentino . We'll be in touch," he concluded, closing the file. Expressing gratitude, I stood up, exited the room, and noticed the same peculiar person still standing like a statue. Ignoring him, I entered my car and drove to a restaurant for some food.

Entering the same restaurant as yesterday, I placed an order and waited for the most delicious food . During the wait, I made a call to Mr. Iran, my personal assistant , maintaining a serious expression.

He answered the call, "Hello, ma'am. I've got some more information about Mr. Daniel Santoro, I'd love to continue if you're not busy." I responded, "You don't need to worry about me being busy. I want you to share each and every piece of information you've gathered."

Sitting up straight, he continued, "Yes, ma'am. Mr. Santoro's father was born in Mexico, but I wasn't able to get his father's name. His mother, Malvila, is also from Mexico." Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I questioned, "What do you mean you can't find his father's name?"

He replied, "Yes, ma'am. I encountered the same confusion. I tried to dig deeper, but it seems most of the information is blocked. However, I did discover that Mr. Santoro had a relationship with a girl who was found dead shortly after breaking up with him. There's a rumor suggesting that his father killed her."

The information left me puzzled. Why would she die at the hands of his father? What could be the motive behind such a tragic incident?

The primary question remained: Who is Mr.Santoro's father?

I asked him, "Did you get any more information?" He replied, "No, ma'am. I will inform you when I get more." With that, I ended the call, placing the phone on the table, and continued staring at it, contemplating the mysteries surrounding  mr Santoro's past.

There is indeed something significant ahead of me. Perhaps it's the secret Mr. Santoro is hiding. If I can uncover details about his father, it might make it easier to solve the puzzle. But first...

When will that waiter bring my food?!?

Shadows of Forbidden Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें