Despite the discomfort, Toji remained engaged in Naruto's animated explanation, his scowl not entirely a reflection of his physical state but also a testament to his perpetual intensity. The camaraderie between the two persisted, their conversations weaving through moments of training, pranks, and shared dreams of strength. In this sand pit, surrounded by the rustling leaves and under the canopy of trees, Toji and Naruto found solace in their shared pursuit, navigating the complexities of training and life in a village that harbored secrets and challenges at every turn.

Toji thought pranks were a waste of time, but could see the potential in the stealth applications. Naruto was also a surprisingly good strategist. Though right now it was only potential. The blonde had a surprisingly keen mind and made connections fast. All good things that would keep someone alive in a fight.

"So I've thought about different pranks that would be good to pull on ninja. You know, to get recognized more. It can't be anything physically annoying or damaging, cause then we'd probably get in trouble." Naruto drew an x over the image of a stick figure tripping on a banana peel with his stick. "So I was thinking about painting funny stuff in places ninja wouldn't expect. Like on the hokage tower, or the genin barracks, or the faces on the mountain."

Toji thought pranks were a waste of time, but could see the potential in the stealth applications. Naruto was also a surprisingly good strategist. Though right now it was only potential. The blonde had a surprisingly keen mind and made connections fast. All good things that would keep someone alive in a fight.

"I still think it's stupid, but I wouldn't mind getting one up on some lazy ninja." Especially the ones he saw looking the other way when Naruto was being targeted by more violent drunks. Naruto had been faster than all of them until now, but Toji didn't like taking chances. He knew if they were ninja and not civilians, Naruto wouldn't have been so lucky. But from what Toji could tell, there was a reason for that. Like a rule or something. Or a law.

He could see the way ninja held each other back when one of their own leaked a bit of killing intent around Naruto. Naruto never seemed to notice, but Toji knew the feeling quite intimately. They had every intention to come after Naruto with the intent to kill. It was only some unknown repercussion that held them back.

The pieces were there, but not enough that Toji could put it all together yet.

"Hmmmm." Naruto tapped the stick against his head. "If we're going after lazy ninjas, that's the career genin. There's no lazier ninja than a ninja who gave up progressing through the ranks."

In the sand pit, Naruto's lively ramblings abruptly faded into an uneasy hush, accompanied by an ominous silence that descended upon the surroundings. The usual whispers of the wind ceased, and the once vibrant orchestra of birds and bugs fell mute. A palpable tension hung in the air, alerting Toji to an imminent disturbance.


"Hmm?" Naruto looked up, meeting Toji's gaze. The sudden intensity in Toji's expression prompted a hint of nervousness in Naruto. He rose from his seated position, mirroring Toji's movements as the two friends stood side by side.

Toji's attention fixated on the tree line, a sense of foreboding settling over him. The absence of natural sounds heightened his instincts, and the eerie stillness stirred a sense of urgency within Toji.

"We need to get out of here." Toji's voice carried a weight of caution as he scanned the tree line, detecting an undercurrent of bloodlust.

Danger was not unfamiliar to Toji, but he hadn't anticipated encountering it so soon within the confines of Konoha. A sharp, whistling sound pierced the air, and Toji instinctively reacted, pushing both himself and Naruto to the ground. Kunai embedded themselves in the ground just a few feet behind them.

Swiftly calculating the trajectory, Toji propelled himself and Naruto forward. "Run!"

Their escape was cut short as a shadow materialized before them, a figure blocking their path. Before Toji could react, a forceful kick sent him sprawling to the side, the impact violent enough to send him somersaulting through the air. The unforgiving terrain awaited him, and Toji skidded violently across the dirt and undergrowth, feeling the harsh abrasion against his skin.

Labored breaths escaped Toji as he pushed himself up, his elbows and knees sinking into the uneven ground. The silence that had gripped the forest was now broken by the subtle rustling of leaves, punctuating the stillness with an ominous undercurrent. Toji's senses, heightened by training and instinct, tuned into the surroundings as he braced himself for what lay ahead.

The searing burn on the right side of Toji's face intensified, a telltale sign of the injury he had sustained. Blood trickled over his right eye, evidence of a head wound. Despite the pain and disorientation, he managed to focus on the scene unfolding before him. Naruto, held aloft by his throat, struggled against the firm grip, his small hands clawing at the unforgiving wrist that confined him.

Cursing under his breath, Toji's mind raced to formulate a plan. A small, vulnerable child faced an imposing foe, and Toji knew his physical strength was insufficient for a direct confrontation. The man holding Naruto bore a symbol on his forehead protector—a cloud, not the familiar leaf of Konoha. Toji concluded that he was dealing with a kumo-nin, an outsider, and sensed an urgency to delay the threat until reinforcements arrived.

With only the dirt beneath him as his ally, Toji gritted his teeth, clawing at the ground to lift himself to his feet. The pain from his ribs protested, but he ignored it, fueled by the determination to protect Naruto. Ignoring his own weakness, Toji roared with an anger that belied his size, charging at the kumo-nin.

"Oh? Back for round two?" The kumo-nin's amusement rang through his words, his demeanor relaxed as if dismissing Toji as a non-threat. It was precisely the opening Toji needed. He swung his clenched fist, throwing dirt and gravel directly into the kumo-nin's eyes—the only exposed patch of skin beneath the face mask.

The kumo-nin cursed, instinctively closing his eyes as the debris obstructed his vision. Seizing the opportunity, Toji wasted no time, delivering a powerful kick straight into the man's kneecap. The impact didn't yield as much as Toji had hoped, but a distinct crack resonated, signaling some measure of success.

"Fucking brat!" The kumo-nin's expletive echoed as he released Naruto, one hand moving to clear his eyes while the other reached for a kunai. Toji's instincts screamed at him, and he dropped to the ground like dead weight, narrowly evading the impending slash. The sharp tip of the kunai grazed over his lips and up his cheek, leaving a stinging reminder of the close call.

Landing on his back in the dirt, Toji quickly scooted back towards Naruto, who was still recovering from the ordeal, coughing and clutching his throat. The pain in Toji's chest persisted, but he ignored it, driven by a relentless determination to shield Naruto from harm. The kumo-nin, undeterred by the injury, limped towards them, the threat far from over. In this chaotic confrontation, Toji grappled with the urgency to protect his friend, the lingering pain in his chest, and the looming danger that cast its shadow upon them.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you, brat."

He didn't think another fist full of dirt would work again and was considering how hard it would be to steal the kunai from the man's grip when a handful of shuriken flew through the air and pierced the man's side. The kumo-nin let out a choked cry and Toji watched the blood fly through the air as the man fell to the ground.

He hadn't been down for more than two seconds before another ninja with a white facemask landed just above him and stabbed him in the neck. Toji only heard the choked gurgly cry of the kumo-nin before the kunai was twisted and it cut off. Dead.

The ninja wiped the kunai off on his pant leg before sliding it back in a holster. The mask then turned to the two of them and Toji tensed. He didn't sense any killing intent, and he could faintly smell the familiar scent of trees and fire, so he knew this had to be one of their own konoha-nin.

The ninja walked over to them before he crouched down. "I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Don't move too much." His facemask was painted in the character of a wolf and his voice was calm and smooth. Toji nodded as best he could with his cut cheek.

Neither of them struggled as they were picked up in an arm each. Naruto's hand was still clenched in the cloth of Toji's shirt as the masked ninja carried them away.

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