"What kind of gum you got here?" Violet asked

"Charming, charming!" Willy said

"Sam Beauregarde here, Mr. Wonka" Mr. Beauregarde as he shook his hand

"My dear sir, what a genuine pleasure" Willy said

"If ever you need anything in the automotive line, just call on Sam B, phone number's on the card" Mr. Beauregarde said as he hands him his business card "with Sam B, it's a guarantee"

"I'm Mike Teavee" Mike said

"Mike" Willy said

"Wham!" Mike said he hands him the ticket and pulls his gun "you're dead!"

"Wonderful to meet you, Mike" Willy said as he shook his hand and Mrs. Teavee's hand "and Mrs. Teavee, how do you do? What an adorable little boy you have"

"Thank you" Mrs. Teavee said

"Just over there" Willy said

"Charlie Bucket" Charlie said he hands him the ticket

"Well, well, Charlie Bucket, I read all about you in the papers. I'm so happy for you" Willy said "and who is this gentleman?"

"My grandfather, Grandpa Joe" Charlie said

"Delighted to meet you, sir." Willy said as he shook Grandpa Joe's hand and sees Grace "and you must be Grace"

"Yes I am" Grace said as she hands him the ticket

"Well aren't you adorable?" Willy said as he puts his hand on her chin "overjoyed, enraptured, entranced; are we ready? Yes! Good! In we go!"

They all entered the factory and they were in the entrance hallway

"Now, hats, coats, galoshes, over here. But hurry please, we have so much time and so little to see" Willy said "wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you"

"When do I get my chocolate?" Violet asked

"First take off your coat, Violet" Mr. Beauregarde said

"Boy, what weird looking coat hangers" Mike said

The hand coat hangers grab the coats; the group gasps, screams and startled

"Little surprises around every corner but nothing dangerous. Don't be alarmed. And as soon as your outer vestments are in hand, we'll begin" Willy said "now. Will the children kindly step up here"

As the children were on the little stairs, he pulls back a curtain to reveal a contract

Mr. Beauregarde mutters while reading the contract

"Floods, fire, frost, or frippery?" Mr. Salt mutters through his teeth

"Accidents? What kind of accidents?" Mike asked

"I didn't know we had to sign anything for this tour" Mrs. Teavee said

"I can't see what it says in the bottom" Grace said

"Violet? You first. Sign here" Willy said

"Hold it! Lemme through here, you kids. Violet, baby, don't you sign anything there" Mr. Beauregarde stops Violet and turns to Willy "what's this all about?"

"Standard form of contract" Willy said

"Don't talk to me about contracts, Wonka" Mr. Beauregarde said "I use 'em myself. They're strictly for suckers"

"Yes, but you wouldn't begrudge me a little protection" Willy said "a drop"

"I don't sign anything without my lawyer" Mr. Beauregarde said

Grace Meets Willy Wonka and the Chocolate FactoryWhere stories live. Discover now