A Fatal Flag as Soon as it Starts (5)

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That day, Adele admitted that he wasn't much help to Anastasia.

"Go back and don't come to see me anymore."

Adele agreed to Anastasia's request.

He wasn't that close to Anastasia when they were young.

However, because Duke Magnus and Count Sinclair frequently interacted, the two children naturally became acquainted.

Anastasia Sinclair was a quiet and mature girl. From trivial to unreasonable, she didn't request any favors from Adele. Nor did she pry into his personal life like everyone else. She was taciturn and indifferent. Adele was comfortable with her.

Then, one day when she was out watching a performance, Anastasia vomited blood.

She had a disease so rare that it wasn't even named properly. The doctor called it a 'nightmare'.

The known symptoms included becoming extremely weak and vomiting blood while feeling dizzy. She even shed tears of blood once.

The Count was put on emergency alert. Everyone searched all over the empire to find a cure, but information about the disease was incredibly scarce.

Anastasia stopped leaving her bedroom. So, to cheer her up, Adele regularly visited, telling her that she might get better soon.

In his mind he was encouraging and comforting her while raising her spirits. He realized too late that words couldn't do anything.

However, the Anastasia he met again after a few days, had changed. Adele had tried not to visit her, but the Duke, his father and her godfather, insisted.

When Anastasia vomited blood again, her family entrusted her to the Duke of Magnus and left to search for a cure.

Adele had no choice. He decided to accept being struck by whatever Anastasia threw at him.

However, Anastasia welcomed him with a big smile.

"You're Adele!"

It was the first time Adele saw her smile. He was secretly surprised that Anastasia could smile like that. When Anastasia saw Adele, she muttered, "You're handsome, too."

She blatantly stared at Adele while frequently covering her red-tinged face with her hands. Adele couldn't understand why Anastasia kept saying "another person's rice cake" while grumbling.

Adele and Anastasia had a friendly time anyway.

Anastasia was lively and chatted innocently with the maids. In only a few days, the mood in the Count's manor had become bright.

Whatever it was that changed her mind, she ate well, talked a lot, and expressed a wide range of emotions. The maids were also in high spirits. Anastasia exchanged small pranks with the maids in front of Adele.

In addition, Anastasia grabbed Adele, who was about to return, and asked in a careful voice, "You'll come visit me again, right?"

Adele nodded before even thinking.

Since then, Adele had visited Anastasia every other day.

She now enjoyed going out, but Anastasia was still very weak.

He was worried that she might still hate him, so he secretly watched as she walked unsteadily and quickly became exhausted.

He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Adele gradually began to intervene in Anastasia's matters and started unintentionally nagging her.

And if that wasn't enough, he also breached etiquette by impulsively intruding into her bedroom.

Adele thought that he had betrayed his moral principles, but he was secretly relieved that Anastasia just let it pass as a trivial matter. That was why he gradually became more and more confident.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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