chapter four

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Once you arrive to the smallish house right outside campus, you notice groups of people going in and out of the door. You step out, feeling the cool breeze hit your bare thighs, making you regret not wearing joggers. 

Reiner throws his out the door, motioning us to come inside. Everyone looking forward to drinking and partying but the only thing you are hoping for is for someone to have a blunt or even a pen you can hit.  You follow the crew to the kitchen, noticing how shots are being poured into the mini shot glasses, 

"Two more over here!" Sash shouts over to who I think is Marco, who gives her a slight nod before pulling two more shots, 

"Both for you?" You ask, 

"Of course not silly!" You widen your eyes, "One is for you."


"Just one and then we will go out back, kay?" You slightly nod your head before being surrounded by people in the kitchen. Marco passes everyone a mini shot glass and goes back to his regular spot. You feel a small tap on your shoulder and when you turn around you are met with the girl at the smoothie shop,

"Y/n, right?" 

"Hitch?" She smiles and gives you a quick side hug before cheering her glass to yours, "I didn't expect you to be here."

"I needed to let loose." She stares around at the group of people, "Maybe you need to as well."

"Is everyone ready?" Marco shouts over the loud music, "3...2...1!" You swirl the liquid in your glass before shrugging your shoulders and taking the shot, swallowing it without wanting the urge to vomit. You place the glass own the counter when Connie hugs you from the back, picking you up for a short moment, 

"Okay, okay." You say loud of enough over the music. You can tell he has already been drinking a lot just by how red his cheeks are and his pupils are dilated, 

"Take another!" He shouts but you politely shook your head no. He reaches into his pocket and slyly pulls out a blunt and now that catches your interest, 

"Mhm." You shoot him a wink as you grab a cup off the counter and start to follow him outside before you hear yelling from the bottom of the staircase. You tug on his arm, making him look back in curiosity just like you. You guys use your shoulders, and soberness, to push through the already forming crowd to see two girls standing at the bottom, 

"I had him first!" Girl A shouts, 

"Well why was he with me last night? You just know your place, whore!" Girl B shouts, 

"What the fuck is going on?" You look over at Connie who looked just as confused as you did, you scan the area and find a pair of eyes you know a little to well, 


He is leaning at the top of the staircase with his hair out of his bun, baby hairs lining the structure of his face, while he seems completely uninterested in what is happening right below him. Until you realize HE is the reason this happening as you see one of the girls point to him. 

His eyes find yours in the crowd, a smirk rising on his face, and all you do is shoot a fake empathic smile. You tip your head and slowly disappear into the crowd.  When you make it outside, you know Sasha wasn't lying when she said Reiner had a nice hangout spot in the back.

A couch with a few lawn chairs sit on the patio with the lanterns about your head, lighting the area into a faint circle. You, Sash, and Jean sit on the couch while Connie lays back in one of the lawn chairs, whipping out a lighter of his pocket. You look back inside and see Girl A grab Girl B by her hair and throw her on the floor. The music was loud enough to where you couldn't hear what was being said but it was definitely a fight,

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