chapter three

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Your body immediately becomes hot hearing, who you now know as Eren, say the word fate. The word that has been stuck in your head the last three years. You slowly step inside, shutting the door behind you when Jean comes up and places his hand on your shoulder,

"Y/n! You came." He noticed that Eren hasn't removed his eyes from you. He cleared his throat, "This is Eren, Eren this Y/n."

"Y/n." Your name rolls of his tongue, his raspy voice sending unwelcome shivers down your spine, "pleasure to meet you."

"Hm." He rolls his eyes before turning into the kitchen and grabbing a beer out of the fridge. You follow the small entrance that leads to the living room, noticing Connie and Armin with controllers in their hands. Sasha notices you, scooting over to make room for you on the couch.

You slide by the other guests and plop down to the only really familiar face that you knew. Her arm wrapped around you, snuggling into you,

"Glad you're here." You let out a mhm, watching Armin yell at Connie for making them lose the game. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eren making his way over to the couch. You pray deep down that if God is real he would make sure he would not sit by you.

I guess God didn't listen.

He roughly sits on the opposite side of you, casually drinking his beer and unwrapping candy before plopping it into his mouth. You internally roll your eyes, pulling out your phone to distract yourself from being in a situation again that involves Eren.

"Eren! You haven't met Y/n yet!" Sasha lifts her head momentarily from your chest to speak to him,

"Unfortunately I have." He states,

"Unfortunately is correct." You mumble under your breath. Eren hears you which makes him scoff before taking any swig,

"You guys met?" Sasha asks with curiosity in her voice,

"We met at a gaz-"

"He sits next to me in English." You cut him off. It's not that you didn't want her to know about the gazebo, and as much as your weren't a fan of Eren being there, he was enough to deal with.

"Yeah." He says, "English class."

"Awesome!" She buries her head back into your chest but before long you hear her sniff your jacket, "Did you smoke today or something? You smell like weed."

"Uh, yeah earlier. My bad." You state, hoping she doesn't push anything further. The embarrassment of people knowing you smoked with this shithead next to you not once but twice is not something you need to deal with right now.

"Next time invite me and Connie, girl. We will light you up." She winks at you,

"Yeah. I'll keep that in mind." You notice Eren shifts his attention over to you,

"Well now that we are unfortunately stuck in the same friend group, which is more mine than yours, I have a right for you not to be an annoying little shit."

"I don't think us having mutual friends is a reason for me to start being friends with you." You grab your water off the table and plop the lid open, "I know how desperately you want this blossoming friendship." You joke,

"I think you're seeing shit." He yawns,

"Fortunately for me, it's all over your face."

"I think the decision of us being nothing but strangers is something I'm wishing for, Doll." He stares at you, allowing you to take in his features for longer than you ever attended to, "Sorry, but I can't be friends with people who are only into themselves."

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