the first date!

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No one pov

Once rody woke up he started to wonder when he whether he should go on a date or another killing spree.

Hey vince can we go on a date I know this place that sells the best food. Rody ask.

Sure whatever you rody but first I am going to have a shower then get change then have a meal then we can go is that go with you rody. Vince said.

Ok! That is with me! Rody said.

After the date cuz I am lazy

Vince pov

That was the best date I have been on thank you Vince! Rody said. Your welcome love hey do you want to watch a movie and cuddle? I ask rody.

Of course Vince let's cuddles I will go make snacks and drinks and you can set up the movie! Rody said.

Alright let's go set up the movie! I said to my self.

After the whole thing

Now let's check on the love of my life. I said while walking towards rody.

Hey rody what did you make. I said to rody

I make chocolate covered strawberries with popcorn sweet obviously. Then we have natcho with salsa and cheese. So what do you think? Rody said

What do I think I think I just fell in love with you again?! I said

Cmon let's go watch the movie! Rody ask.

Ok! I replied.

Author note: 63 reads thank you so much I love you guys see you on the next chapter bye!!

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