im hungry

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Rody POV

I can't believe Vince had a crush on me I means I do like him to and he is also a cannibal just like me I wonder if we could go kill people together! I said to myself while a blushing.

Hey rody your a bit red you ok? Vince said while smirking. Yeah I'm fine just tired. I said well you can go sleep with me if you want. (Not like that dirty minded people) Really thanks. I said. 

Vince picks rody up and puts him on the bed and cuddles him

Rody just a tomato but falls asleep

After 6 hours of sleep

Vince POV

Rody look so cute in my arm I just want to eat him up! I said to my self

Vince your awake? Rody ask. Yeah just woke up you need anything? I replied

Yeah I'm hungry do you have any humans that I can eat? Rody said. No sry how about this we could go one a killing spree date later today. I said.

Yea that would nice. Rody said.

Alright but first would you like to answer my question will you be my boyfriend?

Author note :hehe cliffhanger but thanks you guys for reading my story I am glad you're enjoying it also there's only fluff no smutt sry.

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