"When you view Muggles as equals, aren't opposed to them and would even consider marrying one, the elitists of Purebloods would call that Pro-Muggle." Poppy explained. "It's disgusting really, making it seem like a bad thing you should be ashamed about."
   That was indeed a repulsive thought. As if Muggles were somehow less human just because they didn't possess the ability to do magic. "That's horrible."
   "It is." Ominis agreed. "My family and yours -the MacMillans- are part of those twenty-eight in the directory. So that's what the Goblin meant."

That made sense. It also made you want to distance yourself from the name even more. 
   "Thank you for the explanation." You turned towards Ominis. "You told me that Goblins have a different idea than wizards do when it comes to ownership." 
He tilted his head in your direction and nodded. "I did. You know it now too, since Gornuk asked you to pay up for the ring initially."
   "Yes, but I'd like to know if any of you know why that is?" You looked at Poppy, but she shrugged. "I only know it's a thing, but never cared too much to find out why." She said. "I just see it as different species having different values and opinions."
   Ominis reached out to her, his hand landing on her arm. "That's because you're too sweet and respectful to question it and risk offending them, darling."

His tone was fond and so was the smile on his face as he gave her arm a squeeze before lowering his hand to hold hers. 
   Poppy blushed lightly and only shrugged her shoulders. 
You looked towards Sebastian. Surely your boyfriend, who loved to spend time in the library, would know? 
   He did. "It's a centuries old story to be honest, dating back to the time Godric Gryffindor still lived."
   You downed the rest of your Butterbeer and made yourself more comfortable in your chair, showing him that you were ready to hear the tale. Sebastian gave you an amused grin.

"Back in those days, a Goblin named Ragnuk the First was their King and Gryffindor commissioned a sword made by him."
   "Made of pure Goblin's silver and set with rubies at the hilt." Ominis added. "Just to give you an idea."
Sebastian chuckled. "Right. Well, Ragnuk made one and Gryffindor paid him the agreed upon price." Okay, so far a pretty normal transaction. "But afterwards, Ragnuk had become so enamored by his own making that he wanted it back for himself, so he send Goblins after Gryffindor to retrieve it, telling them he had stolen the sword from him and it should be returned to its rightful owner."
   "So he was deceitful." You stated as a fact and Ominis and Sebastian nodded while Poppy was leaning forward, fully engaged in the story just like you. "What happened then?" She asked.

"Gryffindor defeated them all- he was a skilled duelist- and send them all back to Ragnuk with the message that if he ever pulled something like that again, he'd kill him and all of his subjects." 
   You flinched. "Bit extreme don't you think?" Sebastian shook his head. "They tried to kill him and take the sword, which he paid for. He could've killed them all when they came for him, but instead he let them go with a warning." 
   It still seemed a bit much, but then it also wasn't fair how Ragnuk the First had deceived his subjects, turning them all against Gryffindor. Maybe it was justified.

"Either way, Ragnuk didn't attempt to get the sword anymore, but it became a fact in the Goblin community that Gryffindor stole the sword." He went on. 
   "Gryffindor passed on the sword to his son after his death and Ragnuk was extremely bitter when he heard about it -still claiming to be the rightful owner." Ominis filled in, causing Sebastian to shoot him an annoyed look.
   "Are you telling the story or am I, Ominis?" His best friend smiled. "Yes, alright you grump. Go on then." 

You blinked in surprise at his reaction, never really having seen the Slytherin that cheerful when it comes to quips to his best friend. Come to think of it, ever since he started courting Poppy he'd been in an overall better mood. 
   Sebastian cleared his throat, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to the story. "Anyway, yes, Ragnuk was so bitter that he convinced the whole Goblin community that the maker of anything is the rightful owner and thus if they pass away, the owner should be paid again by the one who wants to inherit it."
   You became angry again thinking back on your conversation with Gornuk and how he told you, you had to pay up. Even if it was just a test, with this context you're not fully sure it was.

In the Shadow of Seventh yearМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя