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Then a woman's voice was heard, announcing that the last flight on the plane was delayed due to bad weather. The nebulosity increased significantly. Then, realizing that I would have to wait here longer than I planned, I decided to talk to the guy.
- Hello, we are flying on the same flight, I'm Amelie. The guy smiled widely and looked over as if studying me.
- I'm Conor. I am flying from New York to Britain. The flight is delayed and I want to get on it so badly, he said leisurely. He typed a message on his phone and then asked
- What are you listening to?
- An audiobook "Planet of people". The writer Exupery.
- Do you like it?
- Of course. I nodded confidently.
He began to tell me that he had insomnia and was not feeling well. He also told me about his friends who are waiting for him in Britain.
-Here. Then I offered him to drink a pill - I always carry them with me.
-What it is?
- This will help you fall asleep, while there is still time you can take a nap, still wait at least two hours, I will let you know when the flight will be.
He smiled widely.
- No, thank you, I think I'll wait for the plane, and then I'll try to sleep on it.
He also said that he recently had a birthday and his friends gave him this sweatshirt. Then he asked me if I was flying on business. I replied that I was on my way home, I was on vacation.
The clock showed almost 7PM.
I carefully studied his moles on his face, which looked like a small constellation.
- Don't you want to listen, I recorded this cover recently in my studio home? asked the blond guy.
- Come on, I have nothing to do anyway.
- Your music is deep, you are very talented - I assured him, after listening to the cover.
He looked at me with his brown eyes and nodded, he didn't look like a person who melts from compliments, he was just interested in my opinion.

Airport Imagines Conor MasonWhere stories live. Discover now