Chapter Forty Four

Start from the beginning

Your eyes widen, "You were there?"

König chuckles, "I was the balcony beside yours. I watched you in Paris the whole time." His eyes squinting from the grin under the mask. "But do tell me, does your precious Ghost know your first lover is dead?"

"Yes." Your reply was short.

"Temper," König warns as his voice now low again. Fuck. 'Play the part Harley. Play the fucking part' you told yourself over and over again in your head.

You take in a deep breath and look down at your now almost dry body, "Can you dry me off?" You didn't want to ask, but you knew he got off on touching you any way he could, and he seemed to enjoy 'taking care of you' – plus, you would do anything to protect your baby. You just had to keep reminding yourself to be calm and act 'innocent'.

You deciphered that you were his weakness, and you would be just that. König studied your face for a few seconds to try and see where the catch was – his eyes squinting in the process. You cross your arms as chill bumps form over your skin. König's eyes scan over your body. He turns halfway, getting a towel from under the sink and reaching his hand out for you to take.

You take his hand, and he guides you out of the tub – your feet hitting the soft mat. The towel was huge but looked normal in his hands. He wrapped the towel around you as he patted it down on your arms, stomach and chest. He squatted down in front of you – perfect eye level with the top of your pussy. He wraps the towel around your legs and pats them dry. König drapes the large towel around your shoulders, and you grab it to wrap yourself in – his large hand rubbing your back to dry it.

Your damp hair fell past your shoulders and down your back as you watched him walk towards the door. He opens it and looks back to you for you to follow. You take slow steps and flinch when you feel his hand on the small of your back. This was something you should be used to by now, but his touch always felt unfamiliar.

He walked you back down the plastic dreaded hallway before coming back to your new home. He unlocked the door, and you stepped in, but there was another person in here waiting on you.


"Harley!" he says cheerfully, but you knew it was sarcastic.

You respond as you walk past him and go sit on the bed, grabbing the blanket and cover yourself even more. König didn't follow but shut the door and guarded it – arms crossed.

"What do you want Michael?" you finally ask breaking the silence.

"Enjoying your stay?" he counters – completely ignoring your question.

You continue to glare daggers at him, "I've stayed at better," you snark back.

Michael chuckles to himself, "Always been the one for a good comeback," he says sucking his teeth. "Theres someone I want you to meet."

Before you could say anything, two loud knocks came from your door. Michael looks over at König and gives him a nod. König turns around and opens the door. Three bodies walk inside. Two were wearing all back gear and black helmets, and the other was wearing the same gear, but no helmet – his face exposed.

He was definitely under six foot. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and an ego that matched Michaels. You glare at the men that walked inside the room and clutched the blanket around you harder. König closed the door and got back in his position – arms crossed over his chest.

"Harley, meet my good friend, Phillip Graves," Michael pauses as his eyes go from yours to Graves. "The leader of The Shadows."

"Oh, like the ones I killed in Mexico a couple months back?" you respond back. Shit. 'Play the goddamn part Harley'.

Graves takes a few steps towards you, "Indeed you did." You scrunch your nose at his thick American accent. Say you're from the south without saying you're from the south. "I'm recruiting and I want you."

"I'm not for sale," you bite back as you watch his lips form into a devilish grin. You could tell he didn't like to be told no.

"Oh, but see you are, and I've paid top dollar to get you," Graves says taking another step towards you.

You see König out your peripherals take a step the closer Graves got to you. You didn't know this son of a bitch, but you knew König could take him any day. For once, you felt safe with König around.

"After you have this thing," Graves says twirling his finger towards your belly, "or dispose of it one, you'll be working for me. The true killers that handle shit and get shit done."

Before you could think, the words flew out of your mouth, "Is that why I single handily murdered your men by myself? Doesn't sound like true killers if one person could take them out." Graves dropped his smile and his lips flat lined. "I don't think I want to represent the laughingstock of the military."

Graves arm lunged forward and before he could touch you, König roughly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. "Get the fuck off me!" Graves yelled.

Michael gets up from his seat and the two other men in the room you assumed to be Shadows drew their weapons, "Our deal was you could do whatever you wanted when she was yours fully. I've only received partial payments from you, Phillip," Michael told him sternly – not caring about the two men with their weapons aimed at him. "Until then, you keep your fucking hands to yourself."

Graves struggled in König's grasp. Michael nodded at him, and König let him go – Graves stumbling. "You'll pay for this Gravely," Graves warned.

"Are you threatening me?" Michael threw back.

Graves lowered his head and chuckled as he walked towards his two men, "Not a threat. A fucking promise."

Graves signaled his men and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind them. Michael let out a deep sigh, shaking his head before walking out the same door following them. You strained your ears to try and listen, but the room must have been soundproofed because you heard nothing. Not even footsteps.

"Don't worry Liebling," König says walking over to you. "You won't be going with them." You furrow your brows confused and König sees the look on your face, "I told you; you were promised to me, and I'll be damned if I let you get away again."

Apart of you felt relieved that König wouldn't let Graves or anyone elsetouch you, but on the other hand, it made you sick with how possessive he wasbeing. You were trapped and you needed to find a way out soon – your mouth andtemper being the first thing to go. 

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