chapter2: Weekend outing (p1)

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Mingis POV

Being woken up by San at 7am on a random Saturday, it's the group's first weekend outing. I laid in my bed blankly staring at the ceiling for a moment before I decided to get up and get in the shower. After my shower I put on a baby blue and white plaid shirt with cuffed khakis pants and white Air Forces then headed downstairs.

After we had breakfast we headed out to a local park for a nice stroll and catch a nice breeze. I sat down on a nearby bench while talking to San about today's plan when will we officially start making music. After being at the park for about 3 ½ hours our manager and camera crew took us to lunch at a animal cafe.

At first I felt uncomfortable with cameras on me at almost all times but I just kind of ignored it. I held the door for everyone as they went into the cafe and got seated at big table, already being greeted by a couple kittens and puppies. I came in and sat down between Yeosang and Seonghwa. Most of us ordered a basic salad or pasta with water, too busy playing and focusing on the small animals before us.

Around the time everyone was ready it was now 1 in the afternoon and people were suggesting what to do next. "Any outlet malls nearby?", I said in a quiet but curious tone. I watched as San pulled up the closest one on his phone. "It's about a 15 minute walk from here but I'm up for it", San said with a soft smile drawn on his face. Everyone murmured in agreement and began the walk. As we all walked I was talking to Yunho.:

I just don't really understand.

What? What's wrong with being in a kpop group?

Nothing, I just don't know why my mom has to rush me into life. I wanna figure myself out y'know?

I know, I know. Your mom just wants what's best. She doesn't want her only son to be a lazy mangy mutt, right?

Very funny but the only mutt here is you haha.

If that's so then I'll just have to bite off a couple fingers from you!

After we were done playing around Yunho explain his point of view to me. I mean it was True my mom wants what's best for me and at least this way I can still explore I guess. I mean I guess Yunho is right about me becoming lazy. But I have my whole life ahead of me, not to mention coming out the closet. I shook my head at the mere thought of sexuality talk. I became lost in thought and before I knew it Yunho snapped me out the trance telling me we have arrived. We split into pairs: me and Yunho, San and Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Yeosang,  Wooyoung and Jongho. We all had our designated cameraman and agreed to meet back up in an hour.

Me and Yunho decided to look at some shoes, we were going to get matching ones. After debating for a good ten minutes we made up our mind, we bought off white Air Forces with subtle blue lining. Since I didn't really know what to do afterwards, Yunho suggested buying some clothes for everyone so we went to one of the shops.
Inside the store while scavenging we stumbled upon San and Seonghwa. The four of us grouped together and found some clothes for everyone, it was a lot. By the time we were done we only had 3 minutes left so we all went back to meet up and wait for the other four.

After the regrouping we started our walk back, on the walk I pulled San and Yunho behind so I could talk to them. They could see the nervousness in my eyes and immediately whispered what's wrong but I hurriedly reassured them it was nothing bad.

I need to get this off my chest

Is this about earlier? Look Mingi I'm sorry I took your candy, I told you I'd buy some more.

I let a small giggle and rolled my eyes

No's about me,... sexually

Are you gay? I knew it!haha
Oh shut up San. He doesn't want your twink ass, he prefers a pretty boy like me, right Mingi, hahaha.

I forgot how dumb they are I let out a sigh and started up again

No. Well yes, I'm bisexual. I trust you two to not tell anyone else. I trust heathens with this information.!

Congrats haha.... Yunho owes me $5 *letting out a small sigh and smirk*
We were both right so it's tied, I don't owe you jack shit. *Huffing*

The two bickered on while I just laughed and instigated it all until we reached the main house.

By the time we made it back everyone was tired. We all decided to watch a movie because we still had time before dinner. I left halfway and went to my room to get on my phone for a bit. A couple seconds later I heard a knock followed by my door opening before I could even answer. It was Yunho, he was bored so he came to see what I was doing. Yunho then proceeded to lay on my thighs and started talking, babbling on about anything and everything while I just sat there. He wasn't really expecting me to pay attention or even listen a little bit but curiousity got the best of me. I sat my phone down quietly while peacefully listening to him go on and on. It was about 30-40 minutes when I heard another knock. Again before I could a word out San came in telling us dinner was ready. "Ouuu am I interrupting something",  San giggled out before leaving. Me and Yunho followed right behind him.

Once I got done eating I almost immediately took a shower, so tired I fell asleep in just my boxers when I got out. Before I fell asleep I yelled out goodnight to everyone not wanting to leave the warmth of my room. I snuggled into bed, wrapping myself up in my covers before dozing off.

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