Mission 2: Reputation

Start from the beginning

"Young and bright eyed business owners, hoping to one day make it big," the man explained with a smile. "Though I'll admit, out of all the new faces I've seen open up shop around here, you're the youngest."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?," Asta questioned.

"I didn't really mean anything by it. It was more of an observation," the old man assured. "Though usually people around here that start their own businesses tend to close down after a few months without any kind of connections to nobility or royalty."

"Seriously!?," Asta exclaimed, gripping his head in fear. "I don't have connections like that! What am I going to do!"

The old man looked at the panicking ash-blonde businessman with amusement before deciding to assist him.

"You know, there is another way to keep your business open. And you won't need any types of connections in order to do it."

"Really!?," Asta questioned, getting close to the man's face, eager and curious. "What do I have to do!? Come on! Tell me!"

"Haha! Calm down," the old man chuckled, gently pushing Asta's face away. "You really want to know?"

"Of course!," Asta responded eagerly.

"In that case, in order for you to have a successful business, you need to build up your reputation."

"And how do I do that!?," Asta asked, anxious to get the answer he needs.

"You'll need to start by trying to provide your services for everyone, both inside the capital and outside. The more people that know about your business, the more people far and wide will flock to you."

"Okay, I get it now," Asta replied with a thoughtful expression "I should try advertising my business outside the capital too. That way, more people can find out about it."

"Precisely!," the old man confirmed. "Say, what kind of business do you own, anyway?"

"Well, it's not just my business," Asta admitted while sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. "My brother Yuno and I own this shop called 'Devil May Cry'."

"'Devil May Cry', huh? That's quite a name you've got there," the old man commented amusedly.

"Ahhh, thanks! I came up with it myself," Asta admitted proudly. "We're basically an odd job shop. We'll do anything. Fix roofs, farm crops, clean houses. Whatever you need, we'll do it for you!"

"Whatever I need, huh?," the old man repeated, while stroking his goatee. "Say, what's your name, young man?"

"My name? It's Asta," Asta introduced himself.

"Well, Asta, my name is Seihi," the old man introduced himself. "How would you feel about helping my village? It won't pay much, but who knows, it might be a good way to start building up your reputation."

"Seriously!?," Asta asked rhetorically with excitement in his eyes at the prospect of getting his first job. "Of course! I'll do whatever you need, old man!"


"And that's pretty much how it went," Asta finished telling his story, while simultaneously finishing his dinner.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you got us our first job through dumb luck," Yuno sighed, looking at Asta with a deadpan expression.

Asta's eye twitched at that comment before scowling and pointing at his brother.

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