Mission 1: Employment

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"Phew. We finally finished."

Wiping the sweat off his forehead was a young man named Asta.

He was rather short, however, he made up for his lack of height with his incredibly well toned muscles. He had fair skin with green eyes and messy ash-blonde hair that was held up by a black headband with red-colored four-pointed star design on the front of it.

He wore a plain-white collared button up shirt over his torso and a red full arm glove with black finger holes. He had a brown double-prong belt around his waist which held a pouch shaped like a book. His belt held up a pair of black knee-high pants that were tucked into a pair of brown knee-high boots.

Asta had just finished hammering a sign above the double door of a two story building.

Climbed down the ladder he used to climb up and hammer the sign in and took a good look at the building in front of him and smiled proudly.

The building was made of red brick, had a porch roof, and had a small set of steps that led to the building's double door with a small sign that hung right next to it that said "Closed". Above the door, the sign that he had just finished nailing in was on display; it was a big wooden sign that was painted black. The sign spelled the words "Devil May Cry" and had the design of a large greatsword going through the top of the word "May".

"The sign looks great! Not bad, Yuno!," Asta complimented, turning to his right and smiling at someone who stood right next to him.

To his right was a boy around Asta's age that went by the name of Yuno.

Unlike Asta, he was rather tall and had a more lean body. He had fair skin, golden eyes and messy black hair; he got complimented on his looks quite frequently.

His attire consisted of a black long sleeve shirt with a high collar, brown pants that were held up by a pair of brown belts that overlapped that held a pouch similar to Asta's, and a pair of light brown boots.

What stood out the most about his attire was how plain it looked compared to the beautiful necklace he wore. The necklace was made up of a gold chain that held a blue stone that had the design of a cross in the center and four-pointed stars on each corner of the stone.

"Thank you," Yuno replied simply, a small smile gracing his face.

Asta walked up to the front of the double door and put his hand over the "Closed" sign.

"Now that we fixed up the place, Devil May Cry..."

The short meathead flipped the sign from "Closed" to "Open".

"...Is open for business!"

As Asta looked back at Yuno with a smile on his face, ready for what the future had in store for them.


~One Week Later~

"Why hasn't anyone shown up yet!?," Asta groaned as he gripped his head in frustration. "It's been a week already! We should have gotten a customer by now!"

"We only just opened and no one knows who we are. Of course we don't have any customers," Yuno explained. "Besides, it's not like our sign advertises what we do."

"Well, you're the one who made it!," Asta pointed at Yuno in annoyance.

"And you're the one who came up with the name," Yuno countered.

"Well, I didn't hear you complain about it!," Asta countered back.

Yuno opened his mouth as if he was about to retort Asta's claim but ultimately decided to keep his mouth shut once he realized that Asta was right.

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