Chapter 2: Am I going Insane?

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Its been a few hours. Sun told Moon what happened. He's trying to fix Solar. I haven't charged in about 13 hours. I'm just sitting on the balcony with Lunar, waiting. Why am I this upset?? I didn't even know him all that well.

Yeah we were friends but we weren't that close... I hate this feeling. I bury my face in my hands. I feel Lunar put his hand on my arm. I look at him. He's silently crying. I pull him into a hug. This is probably harder for him since he's known Solar longer.

Even though Solar will probably be fixed this still really hurts. I really hate this. I hear the bells on Moon jingle as he climbs up the ladder to us.

" Most everything is fixable but his voice box and memory chip are severely damaged. I think we can fix them but I'm not sure. "

" Oh.. alright then... at least he'll be okay. Most likely. " I looked at him as I spoke, though eye contact is difficult for me.

Lunar stands up and goes over to Moon. He looks up at him and replies to him, " He better be okay "

I couldn't tell if he was still angry or worried or just genuinely sad. Maybe a little bit of all of them? Moon pats Lunar on the head and kneels down. " He'll be alright. I'm almost certain. "

Lunar hugs him and I turn back to the daycare. I got lost in thought for a while and once I come back down to reality I realize an hour has past. I feel like I'm being watched. I stand up and look around. I don't see anyone but the feeling is still there. 

A chill goes down my spine. I start to get fidgety as I still don't see anyone around. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Or maybe I'm just reverting back to how I was before. I don't like this feeling.

A wave of panic washes over me as I begin to call out. " Hello?! I know someone's there! Sh-show yourself! "

A few moments go by. Nothing. I start to head to the theater but I swear I hear something.

" Hello "

I freeze

What the hell was that?

Why does the voice sound so familiar.

I cant put my finger on it.

I look around and still- nothing. I continue on my way to the theater, feeling like I'm loosing it. What was that..?

My angel [Solar x Ruin] (AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt