Chapter 3: The Era of Origins

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Yinsen stood above the vast sea, guiding the monstrous creature beneath his feet as it sailed through wind and waves.

The days here seemed shorter, with longer daylight and shorter nights. Life could only exist within the ocean.

According to Yinsen's calculations, he was now on Earth nearly 500 million years before his own era—the Cambrian period.

He had only read about this era in textbooks.

The climate was warm, with a bright sun during the day, and the moon influencing the tides. Countless forms of life were thriving in the sea, undergoing evolution.

All things made choices, competing for the position of the ultimate victor and the dominance of this planet.

He, however, was an existence incompatible with this world. He couldn't touch anything and couldn't interfere with the entities in the universe, except for the two life forms that sensed him.

Only they could perceive Yinsen's existence, and he could only interact with those two beings.

Perhaps, in the grand scheme of the universe, he didn't truly exist—a ghost lingering in the folds of space and time.

The trilobite and the worm, having sensed Yinsen's transcendent existence, gained powers derived from what Yinsen had previously referred to as the essence of the soul.

The two ancient Earth beings acquired different powers—one gained wisdom from Yinsen, developing human-like organs within its shell, while the other, named the Fusion Monster, obtained a mysterious ability. Its blood absorbed Yinsen's power, undergoing a transformation.

It could merge with other life forms, deprive them of organs and abilities, and freely change its own form.

However, the worm still acted on instinct, similar to before.

The one gaining wisdom, called the Three-Leaf People by Yinsen, developed a human-like brain within its shell, acquiring knowledge of human vocabulary and glimpses of Yinsen's memories. It possessed advanced creative thinking similar to humans.

On the other hand, the worm, named the Fusion Monster by Yinsen, acquired a more peculiar and mysterious power. Its blood, infused with Yinsen's essence, underwent a change under its main body's radiation.

It could assimilate other life forms, strip them of organs and abilities, and whimsically alter its own form.

However, unfortunately, the worm still acted on instinct, much like before.

The one gaining wisdom, referred to as the Three-Leaf People, had its shell grow a human-like organ within its armor-like carapace.

It learned some human vocabulary and, in the moment of its birth, glimpsed images from Yinsen's memories. It gained a creative thinking ability resembling that of advanced human beings.

As for the worm, it obtained a more peculiar and mysterious power. Its blood fused with Yinsen's essence, undergoing a transformation under the radiation of its main body.

It could assimilate other life forms, strip them of organs and abilities, and freely alter its own form.

Yet, regrettably, the worm continued its actions based on instinct, much like it did before.

On the sea surface, the Fusion Monster, named the Fusion Aberration by Yinsen, swiftly traversed the ocean. Tentacles beneath its spiral shell vigorously waved, propelling it forward.

Yinsen stood on its shell, looking into the distance.

In the far-off sea, something different finally appeared.

An object protruded from the water's surface, casting a long shadow in the twilight over the sea.

"Swoosh, swoosh," the Fusion Monster swiftly swam, its numerous tentacles stirring the sea.

Yinsen saw an island, and surprisingly, it had rare greenery on it.

The island was pockmarked, with extensive swamps, covered with lichen and moss.

But compared to other lands, this place was filled with the breath of life. Yinsen didn't understand why this miracle existed here, but it didn't prevent him from liking the place.

"This is nice."

Yinsen decided to stay here, concluding his aimless and prolonged journey.

The next day, Yinsen saw the Fusion Monster, using its flexible tentacles, extract massive stones from the sea floor and pull them onto the island.

Its tentacles could transform into sharp tools like chisels or blunt instruments like hammers. It hammered and chiseled these stones, initially making Yinsen think it had a hobby of dragging stones. However, as the colossal structure took shape, he realized it was a building.

At first, Yinsen thought the creature had a hobby of dragging stones. However, as the colossal structure took shape, he realized it was a building. Upon closer inspection, it resembled the pyramids he had seen on television but even more majestic.

Rows of stones, each over ten meters tall and wide, formed the structure. It conveyed a sense that this creation couldn't possibly be the work of mere mortals but rather a miracle of the divine.

As the stones reached the pinnacle, the Fusion Monster shifted its focus to carving a temple. It meticulously ground, hammered, and sculpted the details, creating an ancient and sturdy structure.

Although it appeared rough and ancient, the outline of the temple had taken form.

This temple clearly wasn't built for the monster itself, given its colossal size. Yinsen realized that the Fusion Monster was constructing a massive palace for him on the island.

Initially, he thought it was an attempt to please him, but it seemed unlikely. The chaotic and ignorant Fusion Monster lacked such wisdom, let alone knowledge of structures like pyramids. It must have been ordered by the Three-Leaf People.

The Three-Leaf People anxiously prostrated themselves before Yinsen. He gazed calmly at the waves, his emotions serene.

In his human form, he was a somewhat indifferent person. Now, devoid of a physical body and experiencing the strangest and most peculiar events, he became even more tranquil.

However, the Three-Leaf People were in fear. They had no idea whether their God favored or disapproved of their unauthorized actions.

They anxiously explained, constantly bowing their heads. In their understanding, this was the most direct way to seek forgiveness and blessings from the God.


"Palace... Temple..."

Yinsen could sense their intentions. They believed the God should reside in the palace, accepting offerings from all life. Hence, they instructed the Fusion Monster to build this structure.

Yinsen felt indifferent; he didn't care much. Devoid of a physical form, shelter from wind and rain had no significance for him. The notions of faith and prayer seemed absurd, especially when the worshippers were two creatures—a worm and a trilobite.

If anything, he could only admire the situation's uniqueness.

"Not bad!"

"Very beautiful."

With just a few words, the Three-Leaf People erupted into joy and celebration. The palace had finally taken shape.

They awaited Yinsen on top of the pyramid, and the Fusion Monster carried him towards the pinnacle. It stopped, placing its head in front of the temple.

At the apex of the pyramid, the grand entrance and windows of the ancient, massive hall swung open. Inside, there was minimal decoration.

The only highlight was its grandiosity.

Inside, there was a statue belonging to Yinsen, hand-car

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