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I wake up the next morning, switch my phone on and there it is, a hundred texts and missed calls from mom. I would never make the mistake of answering any of them and Incase they tried to track me, I smashed it into pieces with the bottom of my bed's leg.

I got ready for my day of canoeing with my best friend and we left for a day of adventure.

It was fun at first until Jass pushed me into the water. Lucky for her I was an expert swimmer or I would hunt her for the rest of her life.

We had lunch at a fine diner and to sum the day up, we went shopping for a new phone and had some pizza.

I seriously can't remember the last time I had this much fun. I had spent my whole life trying to be that perfect daughter that I forgot how to have fun, but with my best friend Jass, she sure reminded me.


It's been a week since I came to Italy and with everyday that passes, there is always something waiting in store for us to try out.

I haven't spoken to my parents yet and I'm not planning to do so any time soon. I don't want my trip to be ruined. Maybe I can stay here forever.

"Jass I have something Ive been meaning to tell you."

"Are you okay?"

"I did run away from home."

"You what! How did you.... How did you even manage to do it despite your mom been so, uptight?"

"I guess I was lucky."

"What happened, I thought we agreed you would make up some excuse and not run away."

"Mom and I argued and I was just so upset about everything, I wasn't even thinking at that point."

"I'm surprised how they haven't found you yet. "

"I got rid of my phone so they wouldn't track me."


After letting Jass know about everything, I jad the best idea ever.

"I Know what we should do today."


"Let's go have fun, let's go out clubbing."

"You're right. I know the perfect place we can go to. Get ready,we leave at 7."

Jass drove us to this classy looking club. When we go in, the music was over the top amazing and don't get me started on the alcohol.

"Two shots please." My initial plan was for us to get wasted and have the time of our lives here tonight. The shots kept coming and despite the sting in my throat, I kept drinking.

I know I'm no dancer of any sort but I'm pretty sure I killed it on the dance floor. I was having so much fun dancing, I couldn't even feel my legs anymore in my heels.

"I think we should start going now, I need to take a shit."

"Ew, you didn't have to say it out loud. C'mon let's go the door's right there or is it there?"

We couldn't even stand straight. I was just dragging my fellow intoxicated friend out of the club, not even sure where the door was.

"I can't see my car."

"No way, you're not driving us, you're too drunk to do it, let me do it."

"You're even more drunk than I am."

We got in the car and before I could even start the car, I heard a loud sound of knocking on my window.

"(Loud knocking continuous) ma'am! Open up," and it was going on and on until I snapped.

"What the fuck do you want?! Leave us alone, we are trying to go home now."

"I can't let you drive home in such a state, who knows what would happen to you two if I left you on your own."

"We are grown ass women, and we can take care of ourselves thank you." Jass snapped back.

"Can I drive you home at least."

"How can we be sure you won't hurt us?"

"I guess you just have to trust me."

We let him in and he asked for our address but, who can get a straight answer from two drunk ladies? So, he took Jass's purse and found her card.

"(Knocks) is anyone home? "

"(Opens door) oh my, where did you find these two?"

"Well, they happened to be at the bar near the restaurant I was in and they were about to drive themselves here but I offered to drive them."

"Thank you so much honey, who knows what would have happened to them. Thank you."

"It was a pleasure ma'am."

The dude left, leaving us struggling to stand up straight while facing an angry looking woman.

"I cannot believe you two right now. What if that young man wasn't there to help you? You would both be dead by now. Do you even understand how serious this is? (Scoffs) who am I kidding, I'm taking to drunk ass women who don't know how to act appropriate for their age." And she left.

"We fucked up."



The next morning, Jass and I felt bad about what happened last night, so we decided to make it up to Odette.

"What is happening down here, I could hear your voices from my bathroom," she took a step closer into the kitchen before she realized what was going on,"what's this for?"

"We felt bad about how immature we both acted last night, so we wanted to make it up to you by making you breakfast."

"Girls, how sweet, I'm just glad you're alright all thanks to that sweet man who helped you."

"Yeah, I wish I could say thank you to him but I don't have his number."

"If only you were sober enough to think straight."

When everyone was focused on their plates, I knew it was the best time to say this....

"(Clearing throat) I've been thinking about moving out and finding my own place to stay."

I got more nervous to continue because Odette gave me the 'stop elaboration and get straight to the point' look. I took a deep breath and continued.

"Well, the truth is, my parents don't really know that I'm in Italy cause I happened to run away."

"But why did you lie in the first place?"

"I don't know, I guess I was just scared. Look, I know how my parents are and I might have mentioned coming to Italy before leaving. If they find me they will do anything they in their power to get me back, Even if I means hurting you guys and I don't want that to happen."

"But are you going to manage on your own alone?"

"I will."

"But where will you stay if not here?"

"I thought this through and I found this nice place in Rome."

"But that's far from us. I don't think this is a good idea."

"It is, I already bought it, all the that's left is for me to pack up and leave."

"Are you sure you want this?"

"If it means you two will be safe then, sure."

"Let's get you packed up then..."

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 11 ⏰

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