The Mysterious Wardrobe

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"Pevensies and Nox?" The woman sat above them, her face having that look of 'These urchins are going to destroy my perfectly ordered house.' stuck on her face.

Everyone nodded and she couldn't help but notice the small amount of luggage they carried. "Is this all?"

"This is all we have ma'am." Nodding, the woman, who Peter called Mrs. McCready, jerked her head towards the empty buggy behind her, praying silently that they could understand hand gestures.

Arabella, her father doing those to her all the time, understood and jumped up into the buggy, choosing the the corner seat facing McCready's. Everybody hopped in behind her and took their seats. Peter in between Lucy and Arabella. Edmund facing Lucy opposite her and Susan with her back to McCready, facing Arabella.

Seeing who sat in front of her, Arabella averted her eyes towards the wooded area around her. As natures song picked back up, this time with the horse's steps in sync, it turned into a lullaby.

The smoothish rumbling of the now moving buggy along the dirt road and the animals singing to her, how could Arabella resist a good nap? After all she hasn't slept in the past day. Leaning her head back, Arabella shut her eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Images danced across the closed amber eyes. dreams some would call it, but a memory to her.

A small white single level house with black shudders stood on the corner. Inside at the kitchen table sat a man with brown hair and deep blue eyes, his eyes, covered with glasses, scanned across today's newspaper.

His wife stood in the kitchen, her black hair pulled into a pony tail, her grass green eyes glimmered as she cleaned off the dinner plates, the dimples her husband always loved seeing were visible on her cheeks as she smiled and hummed a tune.

In the living room, a boy laid on his stomach trying to attempt his homework. His blue eyes glossed with confusion, his hands running through his pitch black hair, like his mother's. He didn't want to call his dad over again, but he really needed help with his maths homework.

And tucked away in her room, with her white hair laying everywhere across her bed, her amber eyes gleamed in joy as she read over the lines of her favorite book of all time. Pride and Prejudice. The smile permanently attached to her lips, unbeknownst to her, would be gone in just a few short minutes.

In other words, a normal evening for this family. Until...

The Arabella look alike continued on with her book, she glanced up quickly when she felt the floor shudder. But when it went away quick, she only assumed that it was just her older brother, Remus, rejoicing at finally understanding how to do his homework.

Returning to her book, the amber hued girl couldn't help but mutter at Elizabeth to not trust Mr. Wickem. But of course the story continued on track, with Elizabeth falling madly for the evil man.

Arabella's twin would never finish her book, however, for a rumble ran through the house, causing it to utter and groan. The whitenette jumped to her feet, dropping the book on the ground. A siren began whining, successfully telling everyone who could hear it that London was being bombed.

"Bella!" A voice called out to the young girl, who apparently was named Bella. Before she could answer, another shock wave hit, shaking the house so much to cause the dust that had been apparently glued to the ceiling to fall to the ground.

"Remus!" The girl called back, she ran towards her door, she looks drunk trying to run and keep upright at the same time.

"Bella get out of there!" Meeting half way, just as Bella got to her door, it durst open, revealing both the raven haired brother of the young girl and a house engulfed in flames, her room the only room untouched. "Bella quit standing around! You need to get out of here! " Remus gripped her arm and yanked her in front of him, leading Bella out her door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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