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On the other side same morning

Sun was shining brightly , birds were singing and sunshine was falling on a handsome person's face who is in his early 30s. Then his sleep got disturb because of sunshine ,his eyes twitched. Then he open his dark black orbs which were emotionless. He get up and went to fresh up. Then he change his night clothes into his formal one. Then he went to dinning table and call his so called wife.

?:yuna bring my tea. And breakfast.

Yuna:good morning yoongi(said with her sweet bitchy voice)

Yoongi:hmm morning

Then yuna said to one maid and she (maid) give yoongi his tea and breakfast.

Then yoongi went to his company

There yuna was sitting and eating and scrolling through some online shopping apps. Then hyuna came her so called daughter.let's listen what they gonna talk.

Hyuna:good morning mom

Yuna:good morning baby,so do your breakfast and go for university.

Hyuna:ok mom

Then she started eating and went to change her dress into uniform and went to university.

Then yuna went to Gucci shop and start picking dresses.she thought she was looking so good but in real in those dresses she was looking like a ugly chicken.😂

In yoongi's office:

yoongi was doing some files and then he recieves message in which their was written:
90,00000 won were deducted from your bank account.
And then he called his so called bitch wife.

On the call:

Yuna:hello honey what happens?(said in her fake sweet voice)

Yoongi:why you waste my money in your cheap things huh?(said in cold voice)
Yuna:(she feels so much anger but she said) honey why are u talking like this? I just buyed some Gucci dresses they were so good. Just come i'm gonna show you those dresses on me.(said with a cheap smirk)
Yoongi:i don't fucking want any show from you. Just don't waste my money on cheap and shitty things like u ok.(said with cold and angry voice)

then he hang up the call .

On the other side yuna was fuming in anger then she just shrugged off and then he called a friend of her and said
Yuna:hii babe where are you?
?:i'm in hotel so come there.
Yuna :ok jack i'm coming there .
Jack:ok bye
They hang up

And went to her so called friend but with benefit.

She everyday went to her male friends house and being fucked by them because yoongi never touched her in that way so she always full fill her thirst by her friends.

Then he(yoongi) again start doing his work and then someone knock on his door and he said come in.
?:good morning hyung
Yoongi:hmm morning
?:why so cold hyung ?
Yoongi:shut your mouth namjoon don't irritate me.
Joonie:always scold me*mumbles under his breath * but yoongi hear him
Yoongi:i hear everything joon.
Joonie:hehe sorry hyung , well hyung here is the files which you had asked me to bring.
Yoongi:hmm kept it on my desk,i will check it after wards. And now go.

Namjoon went out from there and yoongi started again doing work .

Time skip to lunch time:
Yoongi had his lunch and again started work. His whole day went with work ,work and work. Because he have noone who cared for him from heart except his some friends(namjoon,jin,hoseok and soon jimin will be to😏).

Then he sigh heavily and started doing his work. He also want someone who could care for him ;love him like maniac &make delicious breakfast ,lunch and dinner for him;hold his hand;stay by his side;can share his (yoongi)good or bad memories ; who can call him for asking how is he?;did he had lunch or not ; don't over work;take some breaks; and say "i love you" but sadly he had noone who can do or say these things to him .

With very hectic schedule he come back from his office. And take deep sigh before going inside the mansion. Then he stared at his living room which was empty; where was nobody who can wait for him , greet him, hug him, or serve him food. Taking deep sighb he go to his room for fresh up and change his clothes then he come to dining table and said to a maid
Yoongi:suzi bring my dinner.
Suzi: ok sir
Yoongi :hmm but where are yuna and hyuna?
Suzi: hyuna ma'am is staying at her friend's home and in noon yuna ma'am had go for shopping but didn't come back yet.
Yoongi : hmm ok you can go.

Yoongi had his dinner and go for sleeping because next morning he had an important meeting.

So this is yoongi's and his so called family's life.

Bye lovelies💜

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Word count:803

MY HOT  FATHER-IN-LAW *ON HOLD*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt