his hands are all over her like they can't get enough. his touch is leaving a flame on her skin no matter where he touches. she's not sure what that means, she'll revisit that thought later.

he pulls away from sucking at her chest and looks at her. and it's slow and she doesn't realize what he's doing till he sinks to his knees on the floor.

holy fucking merlin's sake. his hands trail up her thighs pushing her skirt up to her hips, and he never breaks eye contact with her. he pulls her knickers down to her ankles and she steps out of them, "put your leg on my shoulder" he tells her tapping on her right leg.

her eyes widen and he presses a kiss to her other thigh and she could fucking melt at his touch.

she slowly lifts her leg up and he grabs the back of her thigh aiding it around his shoulder. he goes back to pulling her skirt up over her hips and she looks up to the ceiling, not quite sure how to feel that's he's right there and staring right .. there!?!?!?!

"eyes on me granger" he tells her and she looks back down to him her breathing growing heavier and her cheeks flushed. he smirks up at her then slowly leans forward pressing his lips right to her clit.

"oh" she jolts and his tongue starts working her and he's sucking and pulling and she's going to fucking die right here. right now.

she feels him trace a finger around her while his tongue is working on her clit and when he pushes it forward inside her, her hands grab at his hair, "there! please, oh merlin's fuck" she says and she can basically feel his smirk on her.

when he replaces his tongue where his finger was she really loses it. she's unsure of what is even falling from her mouth and how tight her hands are in his hair but she's about to finish and it's - somehow - better than the last fucking time he had her against the wall.

"gonna cum on my tongue granger?" he asks her and that's enough for the band to snap inside of her as she lets her head fall back and everything behind her eyelids is white. she feels him fix her skirt and lift her legs to pull her kickers back up there's a kiss to each thigh and he's standing back up in front of her.

she lets her eyes flutter open to look up at him. she lets her hands go up to his chest and trace up around his neck and pull him towards her.

she doesn't care what he was just doing, she presses her lips to his and he wraps an arm around her waist pulling her into him. she can feel how hard he is, and well after being so kind to her, she can return a favor.

"i'm sure you don't need me to come begging malfoy, i'm sure there's plenty others" she tells him and he hums as she reaches for his button on his pants and presses a kiss to the vein sticking out of his neck.

"granger you don't-" he starts to say and his hand finds her wrist.

"i want to" she says above a whisper and he nods.

"because it shouldn't just be me begging for it right? you should know just how good i can make you feel." she says to him and he groans and watches as she sinks to the floor on her knees.

and she can't believe she's doing this, here in a fucking broom closest- with draco malfoy. he helps her undo his pants and she pulls him out of his pants and his head falls back and his jaw tenses when she touches him.

"what do you want malfoy?" she asks him and he opens his eyes looking down at her. his hand comes up and touches her cheek and then pulls her lip down hissing when she starts stroking him.

"wanna fuck the attitude right out of that mouth.." he says and her eyes widen a little bit but then she sticks her tongue out to accept him in her mouth.

"gods.." he groans when she wraps her lips around him, his hand is in her hair guiding her up and down on him. all she can focus on his making him feel good, he's done it for her recently. and she didn't.. didn't know what the hell was even going on. one night she's taking a walk to fucking breathe and now she's sneaking around in broom closets with malfoy.

he lets out a noise, that's not quite a moan or a groan but almost a whimper and his hands grip her hair tighter, "merlin's fuck granger i'm gonna-" he tries to pull her off but instead she looks up at him, giving him the go ahead and he moans letting his head fall back against the wall and his hips still against her mouth. she feels him finish in her mouth and she swallows - because hermione granger was never much a quitter anyways.

she stands up and his hand is still curled into her hair and brings her mouth to his.

"where.. where the fuck did you learn how to do that?" he says between breaths panting.

she lets a sly smile lay across her face, "i'm always determined to be the best at everything malfoy" she says as he fixes himself in his pants.

"evil witch" he says, and it's jokingly. and when the hell did she end up joking in a broom closet with MALFOY!?!?

a giggle falls from her lips and he looks over at her fixing his hair and raising his eyebrow up at her as to say, what?

"this is... weird right?" she asks him and he shrugs, "weirder things have happened yeah? trolls in bathrooms. teachers going mad. me shagging you in a broom closet? top 10 maybe" he winks and she rolls her eyes.

"but like we hate eachother" she says and he walks up her leaning over her.

"yes. we do. that's why this works yeah? just using each other to feel good. still hate you, still fucking despise your kind. but your a good shag granger." he says and opens the door up looking around and leaves her there.

right, of course.

she almost forgot about that conversation that night a few weeks back.

my tears ricochet Where stories live. Discover now