~5: Together In Reality~

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I look up when Takumi enters the Agency and Yuuko greets him. She bombards him with questions. "Like I said, ask the questions one at a time!" I remind her.

"It's no use, Arata...You should have seen Yuuko when Takumi disappeared! She was so, so, so, so worried!" Nokia says to me causing Yuuko to get flustered and defensive.

"D-Don't get the wrong idea! You vanished before I could say a proper thanks! And I've slept badly all week, that's all. If you're going to disappear, let me say thanks first so we can end things properly." Yuuko says to Takumi in a defensive tone.

"Isn't this 'hard-to-get' act a bit...beneath you?" I ask her only to be ignored.

"Anyway, thank you so much for what you did." Yuuko says to Takumi.

"We weren't the only ones that were worried. Kyoko kept looking for you the whole time. But she went off the radar a little while ago." I tell Takumi who looks slightly worried about Kyoko. Nokia then asks Takumi to tell Kyoko that he's safe, but he can't reach her on his Digivice.

"Kyoko, just where did you get off to?" Nokia wonders aloud.

We discuss what's going on to bring Takumi up to speed while watching the news. Takumi tells us what happened on his end and his meeting with the real Yuugo. We then begin discussing what to do about the Royal Knights and Eaters.

"I'm worried about the Digimon...They're probably panicking due to all the sudden changes. They don't know what's going on, and might lash out in fear. Left as things are, an actual war might break out between humans and Digimon. Omnimon says he wants to put a stop to that! And so the Rebels are gonna help Omnimon! In other words, it's time to execute the Super Love Digimon Strategy to the Max!" Nokia declares.

"It seems we've decided what we want...no, what we have to do." I say before something weird happens to Takumi for a moment, and Nokia worriedly asks what it was.

"Hey, Takumi..." I say and Yuuko says, "Are you okay?"

"Hey, your half-cyber body...There is a large-scale Digital Shift taking place. It might be affecting your body, too." I say to him and he gains a contemplative expression on his face. Detective Matayoshi enters the Agency at that moment, surprising us.

"Oh, Detective!" Nokia says to him.

"I should have figured you'd all be here." He says to us.

"Kyoko isn't here. Can we help you with something?" Yuuko asks him.

"Well, I actually came to see--" He begins saying and I cut him off by saying, "It's me, right?"

"You figured that out quick." He remarks and I reply, "I thought you'd come for me sooner or later. It's about that hacking case, right?"

Before he can answer, a digital doorway of sorts forms. And out of it, comes...Yuuvo who tackles me in a hug. "Yuuvo?!" I say in shock before he notices the atmosphere and pins Matayoshi with a stare.

Regardless, Matayoshi answers me. "Yes. Before long, you--Arata Sanada--will be on the wanted list." He informs me as Yuuvo growls lowly and Takumi gives me a confused look, and Nokia asks why.

"A warrant came during the blackout, and then there was the disappearance of Kamishiro's CEO..." He explains.

"Wait! Sure, he was hacking, but he had just cause! And as for Miss Rie's disappearance..." Yuuko tries to reason.

"I know, but my superiors want Arata brought in for questioning, as a person of interest." He tells her, not sounding pleased about his orders.

"They've selected a scapegoat in the hopes of easing public panic, right?" I ask him, "That's how the big shots think." I add.

"I'm sorry to say it, but you're right. I've heard the facts from Kyo-chan, though." He answers me. "I might not know as much as you kids, but I'm starting to get a handle on what's been going throughout Tokyo lately. I will have a word with my boss. So Arata, your job is to stay here under police protection, okay?" He tells me.

"That sucks." I bluntly tell him and he warns me that running out will make it worse for me before Yuuko tries to make it so we all share responsibility until I stop her and Matoyoshi basically says he'll pretend he heard nothing.

"And we're sorry and thank you for your suggestions, buuut...we're not going to follow them." Yuuvo informs Matoyoshi. "We trust you but not the police." He adds.

"So I'm a wanted national fugitive now. One more item off my bucket list. Excellent! But that means...I won't be able to stay with you all anymore." I say before Yuuvo and I prepare to leave.

"Arata!" Nokia calls out.

"Hang on there, Sanada! Don't do anything foolish!" Matoyoshi yells out.

"Hahaha! Now who's the fool? When have you ever heard of Hackers backing down because someone told them to stop?" I sarcastically say before calling forth Infermon and Dorugamon. Yuuvo grins at me as Matayoshi yells, "Argh!" In alarm.

"Sure is handy being able to summon up our Digimon at will! Escaping is no problem with their aid!" Yuuvo says with a laugh.

"Oh right, Takumi. You really are too soft-hearted. I'd get that fixed, if I were you. All right, then! It was pretty cool hanging out with you all! Ciao!" I say before leaving with Yuuvo, ignoring Matayoshi calling after us.

Once we get clear of Nakano Broadway, we stop and I turn to face him. The fact that Yuuvo's here in the real world finally catches up to me. "I'm guessing you have questions as to how this happened. The way my creators, Lucemon and Crusadermon, programmed me is very much akin to Digimon. It's hard to explain but due to the Dimensional Door's opening, I'm now able to exist in the real world." He tells me before hugging me again.

"I'm not too hung up on that right now. I'm just happy that you're here. It's unfortunate that I can't take you out on a nice date right now. Being a wanted criminal kind of prevents that." I say to him before looking to the side with a faint blush as I hug Yuuvo back.

"That's alright with me. Being by your side is enough for me at this point. Besides, it's a little too chaotic for a date right now anyways." He assures me before laughing softly.

"Fair enough, but are you sure you're able to remain in the Real World like this? I don't want anything to happen to you, Yuuvo." I say to him in worry and he gives me a reassuring smile.

"You needn't worry about that. So long as I stay in areas that were affected by the Dimensional Door's opening, I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you, with Eaters now being in the Real World. Not to mention the rampage Ryuji has started going on." He responds to me.

"But you're pure data, Yuuvo. Wouldn't the Eaters be even more dangerous for you?" I question him in confusion.

"No, because I have anti-Eater programming built into me. They can't do anything to me." He explains to me.

"I see. Crusadermon and Lucemon have some frightening capabilities." I say to him, impressed by the fact they had managed to create such programming.

"You haven't seen nothing yet. You should meet Lucemon. He typically hates full humans but I'm pretty sure he'd be fine with you." He tells me.

"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer sometime. For now...I want to show you around some. Preferably without getting caught by the cops." I say to him before grabbing his hand to pull him along with me.

"Then let's go!" He says while smiling and running along with me.


To be continued...

Still Here For You (Arata Sanada x Yuuvo [AI Yuugo] & Yuugo)Where stories live. Discover now