,,Dont do that again! Otherwise you get that whole bottle in your face" i say with a quiet laugh because i didnt want to wake Steph up.After a quick talk to the two idiots who found it funny to spill water at me i got back to listening some music and felt a tap on my shoulder just a few seconds later.I look to my right side and see Leah looking at me

,,All good ?" i ask and she nods ,,Yes..i just noticed that you listen to country music" she says and i smile slightly ,,Yes sometimes..do you listen to it too ?"

,,Of course..im a cowgirl" she says making me laugh slightly.We talked about Country Music a few minutes before i decided to try and sleep a like all the others on the plane.

After our drive back to the training camp where all our cars were.I head to my car and throw my luggage in the back ,,What are you doing this night ?" Beth asks coming up with Viv,Lia,Caitlin,Jen,Leah and Jordan

,,I have to do two online interviews and a phone call with my dad about some charity work after that i try to sleep for the next two days before we start training again" i say with slightly laugh

,,Are you already tired ?It's just preseason" Jordan says and i shake my head ,,No i just have more to do right now then play football" i say to her and close the trunk.

,,Well if you change your mind call us..we will go out today and the next probaly too" Beth says and hugs me like all the others do except Jordan ,,I will..have a good time!" i say and get to the drivers door

,,How big is the check from Arsenal if you can get an Audi A7 ?" Jen asks with a small laugh ,,Just get a cooperation with Audi then you get something like this" i say with a smile and get in to my car and drive home.

I sigh and throw myself at my couch finally i am home again.I do my interviews and cook something for me while being on the phone with my dad

,,So all the work part is done..now i want to know how everything is going ?Everything alright ?" he asks while i eat ,,Yes..the team is amazing and i already have a lot of friends.Im just a bit tired but ready for the new season" i say to him.

,,That's good little one.If something is wrong you can call us you know that right ?" he asks and i nod ,,Yes dad..i know.I think you're saying this everytime we talk to each other" i say with a small laugh ,,Just making sure" he says.We talk to each other for a while before my mother took over.

At 9pm i was already laying in bed and scrolling through my social medias and was just relaxing.I liked it just laying there and watching some funny videos.Later i did fall asleep while being on my phone and woke up the next morning.I slept good but decided that i really should just relax before training would begin again and everything else like interviews and photoshoots would come.

Leah POV:

After the training camp Jonas gave us three days off and i spent these with Jordan ,some teammates and a few friends outside of football.We enjoyed our time but now it was time to work again and begin to work for the first league game in two weeks.We would play against Liverpool a good game to start with but nothing easy.It was perfect for the start of the season.I drove alone to the training ground since Jordan and i didnt live together but we spent most of the time at the house of ther other so it was no problem.

Only a few cars were there but one got my eye the one from Cara.Obviously she was already here i got inside and got straight to the changing room ,,Morning" i say to the few people that were in there.I look around and see Manu,Cara,Lotte and Kim already changing into their training gear so i did the same.Cara was looking through all her shoe boxes so i came over

,,Maybe you just should have one pair and not 4" i say to her and we laugh slightly ,,I like shoes okay ?Let me have them" she says with a smile and puts 3 boxes away ,,Why 4 ?" i ask her and sit down next to her

,,One for training,one for warming up for a game and two for games" she says and i look at her confused ,,But why ?" i ask her and she laughs slightly ,,I dont know..i begun with that in Wolfsburg after i got the deal with Nike and know its just normal for me" she says and puts on of the shoes on ,,Well to be honest every shoe has a different Quote on it" she says and i nod

,,Makes more sense then just saying that you like shoes" i say with a small grin ,,No i like shoes but they really do have different quotes on it" she says and grabs the one that she was gonna wear ,,Here it says. ,Focus on your game and try to improve your game with every ball contact you have' " she says and i look at it ,,Did you came up with that ?" and she shakes her head ,,Nope..my Dad" she says and puts the shoe on

I smile a bit.I can see in her eyes that she likes to talk about her parents and is very proud of them

,,What Quote is on the other three ?" i ask her and she gets the boxes out again

,,The one for the warm up says ,Steal the show' a friend of mine says that everytime to me before a game.He even writes me messages if he cant be there" she says with a smile and grabs the other ones ,, ,These say Clear eyes.Full Hearts.Can't lose' a quote from a tv show and a phrase my dad always uses and the other ones and the other ones say ,Dream big and far but also do something to make it come true' something i came up with while talking to a friend of mine" she explains and i smile at her

,,Makes sense..i hope you play in all of them good" i say and stand up again to go to my locker.

I change my clothes and when everyone was there we got out and walked to the training pitch.

We started with a warm up before we got into Position Training and then had some tactical things.After the pitch session we had a tactical session inside and watched some plays from Liverpool before we could go.

Jordan and i say goodbye because we wouldnt see each other in the evening and i looked after her but then at Cara and Manu who walked to there cars talking in german so i couldnt understand them.

I think Cara and i still have a good relationship its just a bit complicated because of the things Jordan said.But i think i should just talk with Jordan and make clear that we're just friends and then i could talk to Cara again without feeling the eyes from Jordan on us.Yes this sounds like a good plan.

But do i really want Cara to just be my friend ? Yes..why do i even question this ?I love Jordan and Cara made it also clear that she just wanted to be friends with me.I sigh and go to my Car to drive home and relax a bit after these stressful last days.


This Chapter was supposed to be longer but i got a headache and its 5 in the morning so i decided to go to sleep but still post this one.

Maybe i write another one after i wake up i dont know we will see :)

Leave a ⭐️ if you like it and have a good day :)

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