He sounded genuine and rubbed his thumb across the back of Peter's hand. Peter frowned. "That won't happen. I don't like him like that, I mean... we're not even friends, I don't even really know him. And anyway, I like you."

"Yeah, I guess I'm just not comfortable with you spending so much time with him."

"I don't know what the project even is yet, it could only take a few hours. And you don't have to worry about any of that, I'm not gonna start liking him just because Mr. Stark wants us to work together."

Nico stayed silent for a few moments, then sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He stood up and checked his phone. "I should get home soon."

"Okay," he said quietly. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see ya."

After he left, Peter laid back and groaned. Maybe Nico had a point. He wished he'd had a boyfriend before. Then he'd know and it would be so much easier.

Harley wasn't even in the lab when he got there, just Tony. God, he really was overthinking this now.

Peter got out his suit and web shooters to start, waiting for Tony to finish up so they could finally attach them to his suit. Of course, then Tony blew up the new gauntlet he was working on, so while waiting for the smoke to clear out of the lab, they had to go upstairs instead.

He'd been at the tower enough to know all the Avengers, but it wasn't often that he hung out or had dinner with them. At least, it wasn't often enough that he was past the somewhat-awkward-too-polite stage with them.

Peter did his best to avoid Harley. He had no problem around him, but he wasn't willing to embarrass himself just yet. Whenever he saw Harley, it just reminded him of how his friends, boyfriend, and aunt all knew about him, despite the fact he'd only ever met him twice so far. Hell, he'd hardly even had a full conversation with him yet. It's not something he'd want to reveal, exactly.

It wasn't hard either, considering Harley was playing Mario Kart against Clint and Wanda most of the time, while Peter was talking with Tony and Bruce.

"Everyone ready for dinner?" Steve asked. Peter had learned that he and Bucky cooked a lot, and it was surprisingly good too.

Peter, Tony, and Bruce were already talking at the table about Bruce's new studies with radiation, so everyone else got up and joined them. And, of course, it was just his luck that Harley sat right next to him. He sighed but tried to continue his conversation.

Steve and Bucky piled on plates of different pastas, bread, and salad at the table. It was enough to feed a small army, so it would just about do for them.

Peter reached across the table for more bread and accidentally bumped Harley's hand. Then, Harley went to get salt and just about knocked Peter's water out of his hand. And Peter elbowed him while trying to cut his food. And... well it was distracting, to say the least.

Another thing to note; Harley was left-handed and Peter was right-handed. Peter was far too clumsy to sit on his left side ever again.

He tried not to think about what Nico said earlier.


"Who's Nico?"

"What?" Peter started coughing, choking on the water he'd been drinking. A few people looked back and rolled their eyes or sniggered.

"Who's Nico? I heard you talking about him the other day with Tony and just now in the hallway with Ned."

They spoke quietly because the teacher was talking, but they were towards the back. It was just his luck that Harley got sat next to him.

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