Chapter 5

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"Son what the hell are you doing with this boy!!" Roars my dad. "Dad it's not what you think." I then hear Jason whisper in my ear. "It kinda is." Whispers Jason. "Young man you have 10 seconds to get out of my house." Screams my dad again. "Or what?" Says Jason toughening up. "Or I'm gonna beat you up like I was your mamma and your daddy. So you better do what your told boy!" "Make me old man! Your son is 18 he can do what he wants!" "We'll see about that." Says my dad walking out the room. "What's with your old man!?!" Says Jason. "I don't wanna talk about it." I say putting my head in my pillow. "Why not!?" "I just don't." I say talking into my pillow." "Okay babe." Says Jason hugging me.

Randy's Dad POV

I walked out the room terrified to think my own son was gay. I didn't even want to think of that. It was to disgusting. Two men should be able to be together. God didn't like it and neither do I. I walked past his room and the boy was still there! What the hell! I told him to leave! So people just don't listen. I then walked back to the bathroom and went into the cabinet. I pulled out a little bag that had white powder in it. I shut the door and went to the counter. I dumped the white powder on a tissue. I stirred the powder with another powder and added water and some other chemicals. I then put all of that into a nettle tube. I inserted the nettle into my arm and u jumped because it was so strong. By now you can guess what I use everyday. If you haven't your plan dumb and should just die. I sat on the toilet and just starred at the door. Waiting for the cocaine to activate.

Jason's POV

I stayed next to Randy and I made sure he was okay. I didn't feel right just leaving him here he was like my boyfriend. He was mine. And I was his protector. He and I were gonna be together for a long time I knew it would be a long time before Randy realizes he's mine. I then heard a loud crash. "Randy what was that?" I say to Randy with wide eyes. "I don't know. But it sounded like it came from the bathroom." Says Randy. I then put in a shirt and get off the bed and Randy follows. We both get off the beds and walk to the door. I reached my hand out to open the door. But Randy grabs my hand and shakes his head to tell me to stop. "What?" I say looking at Randy. "Do not open the door." Says Randy with worry in his eyes. "Why not?!" I say raising my voice. "Just let me do it." Says Randy getting in front of me. He then reaches his hand out to open the door. Then he starts to turn the knob. The door was wide open now. We slowly make our way out the bedroom and walk to the bathroom door. "I have a bad feeling about this." As soon as we open the door Randy screamed.

Randy's POV

"Dad what are you doing!?" "Close that damn door!" Says my dad. "But dad!" "I said close it!" My dad then get up and lunges at Jason. He pushes me to the ground and starts to strangle Jason. "Dad are you crazy!" My dad just ignores me and keep strangling Jason. Every time I try to get my dad off of him his grasp gets tighter. And before I knew it....Jason was dead.....

I got up and walked over to Jason. I leant down and put my hand on his chest. "He's dead....he's dead." I then start to cry uncontrollably. "You son of a bitch you killed my boyfriend." I say screaming at my dad. I then lunge at him I start to choke him to death and again and again. Until he's whole damn face turn purple. When I let go he drops to the ground. I get down and listen to his heart beat. "Great. He's dead. Now what do I do." I say


"I think I have plan?" I say smiling and looking at Randy. "Jason?" Says Randy confused.

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