"Relax bro, I'm only kidding." The tension eased at this.

Jey sore he heard a sort of from the man but he shrugs it off.

"Aye don't touch that radio fool." He smacks Jimmy's and away.

"Come on man, I just wanna get my groove on." Jimmy whines.

"I'm the driver, I control the radio, my phone's on the Bluetooth anyway, and you ain't going in my phone." Jey retorts.

"Whatever man." Jimmy scoffs.

As they continued driving the guys held casual conversation, feeling relaxed and at ease.

As they reached the stretch now driving down it Jey's phone rang.

The called ID being Mamas🌸

"Who's 'mamas'?" Jimmy asks.

"Who do you think fool." Jey cut eyes him sucking his teeth.

"Oh its Leanne!" The brother sings.

"Shut up man, sometimes I wonder how you the older one." He looks at his brother.

"Aye listen anybody talks and you're walking to Houston." Jey warns.

Answering the phone it took a few seconds to load. "Leanne what's up?"

"I need your help." Leanne replies over the phone.

Growing immediate concern Jey scrunched his face, his voice got darker as he spoke, "what's wrong? Where are you? Are you hurt?" The questions came one after the next so fast Leanne barely got to answer the first one.

"Let her answer and you'd find out." Jimmy whispers earning a smack from Jey.

"No I'm not hurt." She replies.

Faintly he hears her say, "just really freaking annoyed."

"I'm fine." She tells him, "I'm kind of just stuck in the middle of no where."

Jey's eyes widens as he mashes the brake making the car come to a stop. Luckily there was no car behind them or he'd have caused an accident.

"Leanne where are you?" The younger Uso twin asks her seriously.

"Somewhere on the stretch, you guys around here?" She answers his questions with one if her own.

"We're now on it. I'll look out for you ok." He replies.

"Yeah," she answers, Jey didn't hear it but she did a little happy dance, glad that someone was around to help her out.

"Alright, I'll stop when I see you ok?" He replies.

"Yeah." As he goes to hang up Leanne shouts, "wait!"


"Can you stay on the line still you show up." The guys around Jey were freaking out for him, cheering silently, as much as he didn't want to, he held his composure using his hand to signal for then to calm down.

𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 -JEY USOWhere stories live. Discover now