Chapter Forty Three

Start from the beginning

I gave the door a soft push before putting both hands on my gun and mounting it tightly against my shoulder. "Wissen sie nicht, wie man die verdammte Tur schliBet? [Do they not know how to shut the fucking door?]," one of the men inside said raising his voice. My ears perked and it was one of the men to the left of the house at the poker table.

I lowered my weapon and pressed my back against the wall and instructed Soap to do the same. Heavy footsteps stomped closer to the front door and the man hastily walked outside, pissed and completely overlooked his peripherals. "Wo zum Teufel sind sie? [Where the fuck are they?]," he mumbles under his breath.

I quietly reach down to the side of my pants and pull one of my knives and clutch it in my hand. I take one step and forcefully cover this scumbag's filthy mouth and press him against me. I bring the knife down to his neck and stab him repeatedly. His hands fly up to my massive one as he makes a pitiful attempt at removing it.

His muffled cries can't be heard inside, thanks to the loud TV and his men are shitty ones at that, since they didn't bother to come with him for back up. Blood covered my black gloves and soaked my knife as I continued to plunge my sharp blade at his corroded artery, severing his main line for blood.

His body becomes weak, and his arms fall lifelessly to his side, and I wipe the blade on this man's clothes and repocket it. I carefully lay the man against the side of the house, not wanting to just drop him and risk making too much noise.

"I'll get the three men on the right, and you handle the four men on the left. Price, you enter through the back and take down anyone that gets in your way. Rudy and Gaz, anyone that tries to escape, kill them," I command quietly over the coms. "And remember, we need at least one person alive."

"I'll leave one of mine alive LT," Soap tells me.

I give him a nod before pressing the button on my vest, "Show no mercy."

"Haven't heard that in a long time," Price said with a chuckle. It was true. 'Show no mercy' was when I was fed the fuck up and tired of not getting anywhere or any leads on missions. Its when death was right around the corner, and I was doing the honors.

I quickly step inside, gun drawn and finger on the trigger. The whispered shot as I pulled the trigger rang softly in the air as the man closest to the window slumped in his chair – blood splattering and coating the wall behind him; just like with Nik. Before the two other men had the chance to turn around, a single bullet was penetrated through their skulls as they met the same fate as their friend. A perfect circular hole was imbedded between their eyes as their bodies fell forward and blood seeped through the opening.

I quickly sweep the room with my eyes making sure I didn't miss anyone before turning around. Soap had done the same, dropping three men as their now lifeless bodies oozed blood on the floor. The fourth man he shot in the shoulder as he was picking up his gun, knocking him back against the white wall.

"Ihr dummer Amerikaner! [You stupid American fucks!]," the man yelled out as he clutch his shoulder. Price reunited with us as he took in the sights before him.

"Haven't missed a beat boys," he says as he pulls a cigar from his vest and lights it. The sweet vanilla aroma of smoke and nicotine filled my nostrils – even through my mask. He walks over to the German shit and slings his rifle behind his back.

"Any others here?" he asks arrogantly, blowing the smoke in the mans face. I keep my gun ready as before and continue to check back and forth between both rooms. Soap is also on alert and checking the front door.

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