Tommy & the magic lamp

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It was a hot sunny day when the kids, lead by Fawn Deer, were in the middle of some desert. Marie: "Oh man... this place is even hotter than that jungle..." Berlioz: "Yeah... at least there were trees there to give us shade." Toulouse: "And water..." Jokey: "And do you know what this place needs?... needs more sand." Jokeo: "More sand?!, we're surrounded by sand!" Jokey: "Oh..." Gidget: "Um, Miss Fawn, why are we here again?" Fawn: "Funny story... we were suppose to go to the beach, but it looks like we took the wrong turn." Jokeo: "I knew that we should have taken that left turn in Albuquerque." Rolly: "Great... now we're lost and we're almost out of food." Patch: "Well it could be worse." Rolly: "I don't see how." Gidget: "Wait... where's Tommy?" Cadpig: "Hey you're right, I don't see him anywhere." Fawn: "What?!, oh no!, we lost Tommy!" Gidget: "We got to find him!, a million bad things could happen to him out here!" elsewhere in the desert, Tommy was walking through the sand, trying to find his friends. Tommy: "Oh man... not only am I lost... I'm also all alone..." suddenly, Tommy fell through a hole and ended up in some kind of underground cave. He got back on his feet when he saw what looked like some kind of lamp, laying on the ground. Tommy: "Hmm... I wonder how this got here... and it looks like that it hasn't been dusted for some time now." so Tommy decided to rub the dust off. Suddenly, the lamp started to shake and smoke came out of it, and a large blue being emerged. The being was in fact a genie named Genie (voiced by Robin Williams), and he was stretch his arms out. Genie: "10,000 years will give you such a pain in the neck!" Tommy: "Whoa!, a blue giant!" Genie: "I'm not a giant." Tommy: "Then who and what are you?" Genie: "Why I am the Genie... of the lamp!" Tommy: "Genie of the lamp?" Genie: "That's right, and now I'm here to grant you 3 wishes." Tommy: "3 wishes?, why's that?" Genie: "What do you mean?, everyone knows that who ever rubs a genie's lamp gets 3 wishes." Tommy: "Really?" Genie: "That's right, and since you rubbed my lamp, you are my current master." Tommy: "Wait... I'm your master?" Genie: "Correct!, now what's your name?" Tommy: "Oh uh, Tommy D Fox, but you can call me Tommy if you like." Genie: "Alright Tommy, get ready to dance as the music is about to start." said Genie, before he begins to sing a song. ♪Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves, Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales♫, ♪But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves, You got a brand of magic never fails♫, ♪You got some power in your corner now, Some heavy ammunition in your camp♫, ♪You got some punch, pizzazz!, yahoo and how, See all you gotta do is rub that lamp, And I'll say♫, ♪Mister Tommy, sir, What will your pleasure be?, Let me take your order, Jot it down, You ain't never had a friend like me♫, ha, ha, ha!, ♪Life is your restaurant, And I'm your maitre d'♫, ♪Come on whisper what it is you want, You ain't never had a friend like me♫, ♪Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service, You're the boss, The king, the shah♫, ♪Say what you wishIt's yours, true dish, How about a little more Baklava?♫, ♪Have some of column A Try all of column B♫, ♪I'm in the mood to help you dude, You ain't never had a friend like me♫, ♪Can your friends do this?, Do your friends do that?, Do your friends pull this out their little hat?, Can your friends go poof?♫, ♪Well, looky here, Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip, And then make the sucker disappear?♫, ♪So dontcha sit there slack-jawed, buggy-eyed, I'm here to answer all your midday prayers♫, ♪You got me bona fide, certified, You got a genie for your chargé d'affaires♫, ♪I got a powerful urge to help you out, So what-cha wish?, I really want to know♫, ♪You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt, Well, all you gotta do is rub like so and oh♫, ♪Mister Tommy, sir, have a wish or two or three, I'm on the job, you big nabob♫, ♪You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend♫, ♪You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend♫, ♪You ain't never had a friend like me~~~♫, yeah ha, ha!, wha, ha, ha!, ♪You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!♫. Once the song was over, Tommy begins clapping his hands. Tommy: "Wow!, that was quite a show." Genie: "Thank you, thank you very much." said Genie, wearing an Elvis outfit, before changing back to his normal look. Tommy: "So... you're gonna give me any three wishes I want?" Genie: "Um... almost, there are some wishes I'm not allowed to grant." Tommy: "Like what?" Genie: "Well rule number 1, I can't kill anyone, rule number 2, I can't make anybody fall in love, and finally rule number 3!, I can't bring people back from the dead, it's not a pretty picture, I don't like doing it!, but other than that, you got it." Tommy: "Yeah, those a pretty good rules... but right now I need to find a way out of here and find my friends." suddenly, sunlight came into the cave, and Gidget comes to the scene, giving the fox a big hug. Gidget: "Tommy!, I'm so happy that you're okay!" Tommy: "Hey Gidget, I'm happy to see you too." Genie: "Is this your girlfriend?" Tommy: "Well... she's a girl and my friend, so I guess so." Genie: "Uh... that's not exactly what a girlfriend is." Tommy: "Really?" Gidget: "Wait... who is this?" Tommy: "This is my new friend, Genie of the lamp." Gidget: "A genie?!" that was when Fawn and the other kids came to the scene and were surprised to see the sight of Genie. Fawn: "Are you... a genie?" asked Fawn, looking at the big blue being. Genie: "That's right, and Tommy here is the one who rubbed my lamp, so he gets to have 3 wishes." Jokey: "3 wishes?, why only 3?" Genie: "It's one of the rules of the genie." Tommy: "The other rules are no killing, no falling in love, and no bringing back the dead." Genie: "That's right, so make your wishes good." Tommy: "Okay... um... I don't know what to wish for... what about you Genie?, what would you wish for?" Genie: "Me?, gee... no one has ever asked me that before, well in my case... freedom." Tommy: "You mean... you're a prisoner?" Genie: "It's the big downside of being a genie... phenomenal cosmic power!... but itty bitty living space." Tommy: "Oh gee... that's terrible." Genie: "But oh... to be free... such a gift would be greater than all the magic, all the treasure, all the world!, but what am I talking about?, that's never gonna happen." Tommy: "Why not?" Genie: "The only way that a genie like me could be free, is as if my master wishes me out." Tommy: "Really?" Genie: "Yeah..." Tommy: "I'm really sorry to hear that... being trapped in that lamp for eternity sounds worse than death..." Genie: "Well... it's not really all that bad once you get used to it." suddenly, the sound of something growling was heard, and everyone felt nervous until they find that the source was the stomachs of Rolly and the hyena twins. Jokey: "Sorry, we're really hungry." Rolly: "No kidding..." Oliver: "Yeah... we're all hungry." Fawn: "I'm sorry children, but all the food is gone." Marie: "Oh man... if only we had some kind of magic that can get us food." said Marie, before Genie cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. Genie: "Well today's your lucky day." Tommy: "Oh yeah!, can you grant food wishes?" Genie: "As a matter of fact, I can, now say the magic words." Tommy: "Genie, I wish for you make us some food for all of us to eat please." Genie: "Alright!, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!" said Genie, before he snaps his fingers and a big table showed up with lots of food, ready to be eaten. There was pizza, cheese burgers, french fries, turkey, there was even some lemonade cake. Tommy: "Whoa!, you really outdone yourself." Genie: "What can I say, when you're a genie, you have to grant wishes in a big way." Fawn: "And we're very grateful Mr Genie." said Fawn, before kissing Genie on the cheek, which made his whole head turn red. Little did anyone know was that they were being watched by the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "So... Toon Fox has found that idiot of a genie." SpaceWarp: "This could mean trouble for us, as genies are just as powerful as demons like us." ThunderSmacker: "Oh please, he doesn't even have the guts to kill a fly." ScreamClaw: "True, but he can still be a problem... of course that depends on who has the lamp." said ScreamClaw, while looking at the lamp in Tommy's hand. It was not long before the kids, Fawn and Genie got out of the cave and they were feeling a lot better now that they got food in their stomachs. Oliver: "Man... that was the best meal I ever had." Genie: "Just doing what I do best, granting wishes." suddenly, the Demon trio flew down and tried to steal the lamp, but Tommy managed to save it in time. Cadpig: "Not those guys again!" Fawn: "You know them?" Patch: "Yeah... it's a long story." ScreamClaw: "Story time won't happen as you brats are about to meet your end!, starting with taking that lamp!" Tommy: "You're not taking Genie!" ScreamClaw: "We'll see boy." ThunderSmacker: "Either you give us the lamp, or you'll be meeting a world of pain." Gidget: "You would still do that to us even if do give it to you, which we won't." SpaceWarp: "She has a point." ThunderSmacker: "Oh shut up!" Fawn: "I don't know what's going on between you and the children, but I will not allow you to harm them on my watch." ScreamClaw: "Then we'll get rid of you first!" shouted ScreamClaw, before throws his pitch fork at Fawn, who used her leg to kick it away. This made everyone to open their eyes wide open in surprise, including the Demon trio. Fawn: "I should warn you, I know karate." ThunderSmacker: "So it seems... but can it protect you from this?" said ThunderSmacker, before throwing a stick of dynamite at the deer. Genie was able to catch it, just before it blew up in front of him, but he was unharmed due to being a genie and all. Fawn: "Oh my gosh!" Tommy: "Genie!, are you okay?!" Genie: "Yeah... just glad that you guys didn't go up in smoke." Jokey: "Ha, ha, ha!, good one Genie, 'go up in smoke!', I get it." suddenly, SpaceWarp vanished from the spot next to his fellow demon dragons, before reappearing behind Tommy. Before the black Demon dragon could make a move however, Gidget used her psychic powers to throw him right into the ScreamClaw to protect Tommy. Gidget: "You're not harming a single of my fox's hair while I'm around!" Tommy: "I'm your fox?" said Tommy, which made Gidget to gasp before covering her mouth while her whole head turn red as she realized what she just said. Genie: "Don't look now, but it looks like there's love in the air." ThunderSmacker: "Really?, well so am I!" said ThunderSmacker, before shooting a beam from his pitch fork that lets out a shock wave that sends everyone flying. SpaceWarp: "And that's why he's called ThunderSmacker..." ScreamClaw: "And your ability to warp around places is how you got the name SpaceWarp." ThunderSmacker: "And we both know why you're called ScreamClaw." SpaceWarp: "Because of those sharp claws of yours." ScreamClaw: "Indeed, and perhaps I should show them that." said ScreamClaw, before going up into the air and swooping down, getting ready to strike his opponents. Gidget: "Tommy!, look out!" Tommy: "Genie do something!" Genie: "I can't help unless you make a wish!" Tommy: "Okay!, I wish that we were at the beach we were supposed to be!" said Tommy, before he and everyone else vanished without a trace, much to the Demon trio's annoyance. ScreamClaw: "Fiddlesticks!" back with the kids, they find themselves at the beach they were meant to go, and sighed in relief as they were finally out of danger for the moment. Gidget: "Thank goodness that we're safe again..." Rolly: "And that those demon creeps didn't get the lamp." Patch: "Which reminds me, you just used your second wish, Tommy, that means you got one wish left." Tommy: "Oh you're right... but once I make it... Genie will be trapped inside the lamp forever... unless..." Oliver: "Unless what?" Tommy: "Wait and see... Genie, for my last wish... I wish for your freedom." Genie: "Wait... what?" Tommy: "You heard me... you're free!" said Tommy, before the lamp started to glow, and soon some golden chain attach to Genie's arms appeared before they broke off, showing signs that he was finally free. Once Genie touches his lamp, he started to laugh softly, before laughing louder and places the lamp in Oliver's hands. Genie: "I'm free?... I'm free... quick!, wish for something crazy like uh, wish for the Nile, try that." Oliver: "Uh... I wish for the Nile?" Genie: "No way!, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!, oh that felt good!, oh I'm free at last!" Gidget: "Wow, how did you knew that would work?" Tommy: "Well Genie did say that he could be free if his master wishes him out... so that's what I did, and it looks like it worked." Fawn: "You really are a kind boy." Tommy: "Thanks, now let's go see what this beach has got for us." said Tommy, before he and the others ran off to check out the beach.

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