Chapter 8: Comfort Cuddles

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Castor appeared in the small daycare again, he hummed, he knew that he would appear where Lunar was. He looked around, Castor couldn't exactly see him...

Suddenly Castor felt hands gently cover his eyes,

"Guess who?" 

He knew it was Lunar, not just from his voice but also his upbeat attitude.

"Lunar... I kind of need to talk to you..." Castor said, Lunar instantly removed his hands from Castor's vision and spun Castor around. Lunar started to look Castor over.

"Are you hurt?" He asked,

"No... I mean..." He sighed, "You know how I talked about my eye this morning?"

"Yeah?" Lunar questioned,

"....Pollux told me the reason why I was comatose..." Castor said, Lunar took his hand as a soft look crossed his face, Castor felt a feeling bubbling in him. He could only describe it as a happiness that he only felt with Lunar.

"Do you want to sit down? Talk about it?" Lunar asked, Castor slowly nodded.

Lunar led him up to the balcony, both sitting in the blanket and pillow mess.

"Do you want me to wrap you up in the weighted blanket?" Lunar asked, Castor blinked and then nodded.

Quickly getting to work, Lunar wrapped Castor up in the warm and comforting blanket. Lunar let Castor lay on him as he sat there.

"...Pollux told me that I had fallen for someone before my comatose. Someone that wasn't... exactly the best of people." Castor explained, Lunar patiently listened.

"He... had beaten me... raped me..." Castor's voice went strained as he tried to clear his throat.

Lunar patted his shoulder, a shocked expression that quickly turned sad.

"He died, but I... well... couldn't handle it." Castor said, "Pollux said that I tried killing myself, Libra locked my memories away in my brain to... help."

Lunar wanted to say a lot of things, but kept quiet to keep Castor comfortable. 

"..The worst part is... That I don't exactly... Feel terrible about it. I normally see people that go through the same stuff. They are either scared of touch... Or maybe like it too much." Castor paused.

"I do feel bad, but... It's not like others..."

"Castor... It's okay to feel that way." Lunar said, gently brushing Castor's hair with his hand, "Your brain might just still be processing things." 

He could see the truth in it, he cuddled close to Lunar.

"Thank you."

"Of course, I'll always be here. You'll never be alone... Or well, in certain situations." Lunar said with a laugh.

Castor felt something take over, a light feeling that made his face get close to Lunar's.


Then he felt their lips press together.

There was a surprised squeak from Lunar, but soon, they were just sitting there with Lunar holding onto Castor.

Castor and Lunar then separated.

"...I love you, Castor." Lunar said.

Castor's cheeks got hot and soon he was smiling as well.

"I... Love you too." Castor said as the two cuddled and gave each other some short, but loving kisses every now and again.

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