Chapter 5: Tolkien's Party (Part 1)

421 11 5

Word Count: 1012


- Slightly inappropriate mentions

- Underage Drinking

The four of us walked up to the house. The lights were on, there was no music playing and not enough chatter to say the party had already started. Bebe knocked on the door loudly and we all stopped and waited for an answer. "Hey, you guys, your the first ones here!" Tolkien said happily as he let us in.

"Oh well, we like to be early, and plus I brough more alcohol." Bebe answered as she held up the wine and Heidi held up the carton.

"Oh sweet! The more the merrier." He laughed and took it off them to put in his wildly oversized fridge. We walked in and saw the tables of food and drinks neatly placed around the main areas. It was nice seeing a party before it was destroyed. All the order and tidiness. Most of the food was probably filled with weed and most of the punch was probably spiked, but you wouldn't know that if you wandered into this large empty house. Though, I don't even know as I walked in now, It was nice to be oblivious and innocent, even for a moment. It felt like walking into a birthday party and all the party food was begging to be eaten. But I'll be avoiding this party food, I'll be avoiding these drinks. I'll be trying to stay innocent, even when I know deep down that it just isn't possible anymore.

After 10 minutes of helping set up the rest of the drinks, another knock was heard at the door. Tolkien answered it and it was Craig and Tweek. "Hey guys." Tweek greeted us in his usual squeaky and stutter-ish voice.

Soon after, people started arriving every few minutes. It only took about half an hour for the house to fill up and the deafening music to start playing. Though, through all those people, I still couldn't find my brother.

I stayed in the least busy part of the house, the kitchen. The only people who came in there were the couples who wanted to make out or people looking to get a drink from the very oversized fridge. I was in there since the music was slightly muffled and the drunk passersby left as quickly as they stumbled in. After another 20 minutes of observing the people in the room, a familiar face walked in, Kyle. When he entered the room, his face immediately met yours. "Oh, Stans looking for you." He said nonchalantly as he got a drink from the fridge.

"When did you guys get here?" I asked as I began walking towards him.

"Uh, not too long ago." He paused for a moment. "I'm getting everyone drinks"

"You all drinking?" I asked him again. I was more concerned for Stan.

"Yeah, we all plan to get absolutely hammered." Kyle answered with a very small chuckle. He seemed to be warming up to you a little more, rather than being dry or ignoring you. "Want one?"

"No, I don't drink." I replied with an awkward smile.

"Perfect, now you can watch all of us." Stan said with a laugh as he entered the kitchen.

"Not much else I can do." I answered as Kenny and Cartman followed behind him. Kenny saw me and whistled.

"Hey, do a spin." He chuckled and used his finger to make a spinning motion. Kenny was naturally a flirt, it was basically etched into his brain to be a little weird. Though, Kenny and I are good friend so I knew he was just being friendly. I complied and did a quick spin, followed by an awkward chuckle. "Okay, I see you, I see you." He chuckled and put an arm around me. "Since your not drinking, and you love all of us so much, you should make sure we don't do anything stupid."

"I'm not gonna follow you all around all night, but sure, I'll keep an eye on you." I told them. I was going to say more but I noticed Wendy, Heidi and Bebe waving at me aggressively from the living room. "Hold on." I said to the boys and quickly made my way through the jungle of people towards them.

"We're staring the plan. Y/n, you go talk to Kenny, Heidi you go get Cartman and Wendy you go make out with Stan or something." Bebe said as if it were an order. We all walked over and started talking to our 'victims'. It was easy for Wendy since all she had to say to Stan was: "Hey, wanna go make out?" And they were both gone. Heidi dragged Cartman away to the food and Bebe made her move.

"Hey Kyle." She said to him flirtatiously. Kenny and I had started to watch what was going to happen.

"Oh, hey Bebe." Kyle answered in a normal tone while sipping on his drink.

"You know there's a really good song playing right now." She said to him in a suggestive voice. "We should go dance." Bebe took his hand.

"Look, Bebe. I appreciate the gesture, as always, but I'm just not interested, plus, I don't know how to dance." Kyle said in a calm voice, though it had a very subtle annoyance in it.

"I could teach you how to dance." She suggested, obviously not taking the hint.

"I said no, Bebe." He answered, in a more assertive voice this time.

"Why not?" She asked him with a sad tone.

"Your an attractive girl and your nice but I'm just don't like you like that." He sighed, taking another sip on his drink.

"But Kyle I-." She tried to reason with him but he stopped her.

"I'm sorry Bebe, but I said no." Kyle sipped his drink once more and started walking over to Kenny and I. We quickly acted like we weren't watching and started a random conversation on the spot. "I know you guys were listening." Kyle sighed and leaned on the kitchen counter next to me.

-To Be Continued-

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