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It was a nice spring afternoon but as things got comfortable zombies came many of your plants were firing at the undead hoard a
Dandelion was firing away with all his might using his plant food to bomb the zombies he was determined to defend your house and protect you that's when you placed a blowfer to push back the flying dead and sending most of all of his seeds in the wind blowing up the remaining dead

-He's protective of you like many others

-He doesn't like it if you blow his seeds but he won't be mad forever but will get angry at others if they do the same

-Dislikes the other Dandelion who's an actual lion here as they might bite you

-He is careful as he does have explosive seeds on him at all times so wind is dangerous

-He has used his explosive seeds as a way to kill

-If zombies come he'll be right next to you to protect you

-If a big wave of zombies come he'll use his plant food

PlantsVSZombies Yandere headcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now