The sun will rise again (ishan)

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It's onshot on ishan featuring Rohit

The boy sat there looking at the newly announced squad for afg series by bcci official account. The phone screen light is only thing visible in the dark room, His eyes searches for a name continuously, a name which wasn't present in that list, but the desperation in his eyes made him look at the same list for too many times to even count.

He lifts himself up from the bed and proceed to bathroom to rinse his face , contact with the cold water made him wake up from his slumber, he Ruffles his hair and looks in the mirror, disshelved hair, deep dark circles adorning his eyes, a very rare sight for anyone else who knows him bcuz of his world known personality, heck even to himself he looks really weird with all these , he tries to smile but only an awkward grin made itself visible, he drops that frustrated and rinses his face one more time before coming from the bathroom.

he took his sit back at the bed and again looks at list, his eyes going through all the names from top to bottom, first is obviously the captain name and he is happy for his Bhaiya, after a really long time he is again back in the T20i squad and that too as a captain, the next name is of someone who's practically a second part of him , his best friend, the next big thing in Indian cricket 'shubman gill' and then the next virat kohli ofcourse he has to be there, the dynamic duo "rohirat" has to be back in the T20i squad, his eyes went further ahead reading all the name for nth time now , and again the same result, his name wasn't present there.

His eyes brim prickled, and his face feels hot all over but there isn't a single tear denoting his feelings. The phone in his hands starts ringing flashing a name he so much wanted to avoid, and no it's not bcuz he felt jealous of him , a bit envious? Maybe? ... but not jealous or bitter, that's his best friend! he can't have those nasty feelings seeing his achievements. it's his inbuilt system for him , he can't help himself and feel anything other than proud of him. He let the phone ring till the end , the call went off denoting a missed call in his notification list, but who is he to think that the other person will drop the call in the very first attempt, so there it is again and he does the same thing but this time he puts the phone back on the side table. When the next time his caller tune went off he didn't bother to look at the name , his frustrated self made him answer the call to scream at his best friend only to be proven wrong cause the voice is of his brother, he brings the phone to his eyes to see his brother name flashing there

"Ishan??... You there?"

He hears his brother's confuse voice

"Yes Bhaiya, I'm listening "

He hears his brother taking a breath of relief

"Did you reach there safely? And why didn't you call ma after arriving you know how she is?"

And involuntary smile comes to his face listening his brother concerning rant

"Bhaiya relax, it's not the first time I'm traveling and I fell asleep after arriving that's why I couldn't call, tell ma I'll call her later "

"Hmm, and ?"

Ishan answers his brother with a question feigning innocence

"Ishan? I know you're pretending"

He takes a deep breath at his brother accusatory voice, he knows he can't hide anything from him , he doesn't know why does he even try doing this at this point

"I know bhaiya but I'm actually okay , you know that I asked for leave and ipl is just around corner now "

"Ishan , you asked for that bcuz of mental fatigue and that was just from the test series, but the present thing is uncalled for "

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