"We're doing this a little early, but since the entire prom court mysteriously disappeared, your queen by forfeit is... Uhh... This." Lizzy adds on, as V suddenly appeared.

Everyone soon got panicked, before Lizzy spoke up.

"Easy, judgy-bots, V's my friend. She's done with the murder or whatever." Lizzy says as a screen lowered, displaying several pictures.

"We've been hanging." Lizzy adds on.

"Yes, best friends. So easily manipulated." V replies, showing off the claws as everyone looked a bit worried.

Meanwhile, Fenner was death staring V from across the court with the look 'Don't you even think about it.', and which, V stops herself.

"Prom queen?.." V says, confused.

V looked over, seeing a crown.

"Eugh..." V says, slightly uncomfortable.

"So, forgive and forget, or I'll get my dad to dock your frickin' grades!" Lizzy says, not giving the others much of a choice.

"And you can't sit with us Rebecca!" Lizzy adds on, the spotlight shining on a worker drone who is presumably Rebecca.

Fenner is watching all this.

"Something's about to go down... My danger senses are... Going off." Fenner says to himself, looking amongst the worker drones.

Everyone started to applaud, cheering.

"Clap harder losers!" Lizzy says, as everyone started to applaud more and louder.

Fenner is watching most of the worker drones for any suspicious activity.

Fenner notices one of the worker drones have an Absolute Solver symbol on their hand as Fenner started to approach them.

Suddenly, Uzi and N crash into the room.

"Unhand them you, fie-eeeeeend...?" Uzi says, noticing not much activity happened.

"I'm confused." Uzi adds on.

Suddenly, the worker drone who looked to be Doll, sent rebar through V's arms, kind of immobilizing her.

Lizzy was thrown away as Doll started to approach V.

Doll had said something in Russian, but Fenner didn't understand.

"Befehl für Polizeibrutalität, die unmittelbar bevorsteht!" Fenner says to himself, running towards Doll.

Fenner then sent a firm punch to the back of Doll's head

Doll looked up, trying to use the absolute solver on Fenner, but no effect.

"Was... That supposed to do something?" Fenner says, genuinely confused.

Doll looked confused, and horrified.

Doll quickly maneuvered away.

"Holy crap, what is she doing?" Uzi says.

"This is not what I expected at all!" N replies.

Doll unhinges a fan, sending it towards V.

Before the fan hit V, N interrupted by kicking it out of the way.

Doll said something else in Russian, but again Fenner didn't understand it.

Let's just skip a bit

Uzi took a knife to the hand, but Fenner was stuck under some tables and chairs, helping Doll deal with the rest.

Doll tries to move Uzi, but it has no effect either.

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