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" Where's the food?" Catalina asked once they hurried back. She gave Callum a look of pure hatred. " Callum..." She warned. As soon as her little brother caught his breath, he began to explain. When he had finished, Catalina had taken back her harsh words. 

" T-they want to what?" Celia gasped. " K-kill you?"

" I hope not." Calla said shakily. Her heart was pounding from the run back, they hadn't had the time to change into their animal forms. Calla twiddled her fingers nervously. " Can we change the subject?" She asked.

" What can jump higher than a mountain?" Celia asked.

" Uh, anything. Mountains can't jump." Calla answered, smiling. Caia and Cora, the twins, stepped up next. 

" Though I live beneath a roof," Caia started off,

" I never seem to dry." Cora said.

" If you will only hold me," Caia narrowed her eyes mischievously. " I swear I will not lie." 

" What am I?" Caia finished.

" A tongue!" It was Catalina's turn next.

"The more you take away from it, the larger it becomes. What is it?"

" A ho—" Calla was answering when a frantic knock sounded on the door down the stairs. Everyone froze. Celia got up, her jaw set. Catalina shooed Calla into a corner away from the fireplace, where the light couldn't find her. Callum followed, squishing into her.

" What are you doing?" Calla whispered.

" I'm supposed to protect you!" He whispered back.

" I don't need protection!" She hissed. But, then she became grateful for his rippling muscles and blade peeking out of his pocket. She closed her eyes, her heart pounding. Celia called out a riddle loudly. The answer came low and quietly, so that Calla could hardly hear it. She did, luckily, and then she stood up in the little crack, and scrambled over Callum. He protested, and tried to get up quickly, but his body was much larger than Calla's, and he probably scraped his back getting out.

Calla sprinted around the curving passageway leading away from the fireplace, and into the darkness. The tunnel leading to the door was blocked by Celia.

" Open it!" Calla shrieked. Celia tried to block her, but she threw open the bolt, and rushed into her sister.

" Calla!" Briony cried, hugging her fiercely. 

" Briony!" Calla said, her voice muffled. Celia gasped. 

" Briony Ravensthorne." She curtsied. " It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Your sister has told me lots about you." Briony smiled weakly, and glanced behind her. Celia let her in, and she rushed in quickly, and bolted the door behind her.

" Bri, what's wrong?" Calla asked, worried. Briony licked her lips.

" The soldiers." She said, " They burnt our house and chased me." A tear rolled down her cheek. Calla cried out.

" B-but, they think I-I'm dead!" 

" Not anymore." Briony said gravely. " Queen Adonia knows. She did not believe my lies." Calla stared at her, too stunned to talk. Celia led Briony into the room with the fireplace, Briony dragging Calla away from the door. Cadenza hurried into the back room, and grabbed a goblet and filled it with water from the little trickle of water coming from a hole in the wall. She brought a piece of bread covered in butter with her. Briony gratefully accepted the food and drink. She gulped down the water, which made her voice less raspy. She hungrily bit down on the bread, devouring it in a few bites. Calla was staring into the fire, her rage blooming.

" She killed our parents!" She burst out. " She wrecked our family! She forced us to live in hiding!" 

" Calla—" Briony began, grasping her sister's hand. Calla pulled it away. 

" She ruined our lives! We thought we had finally found peace, but oh no, she just had to burn our house and make you run away!" Calla burst out in tears. She got up, and ran away to a little crack in the wall, where she shoved herself in, away from the pandemonium.

A little while later, Briony slid in beside her. 

" Go away." Calla said, wiping her eyes. 

" Calla—" She tried again.

" Go away." Briony left with a hurt look on her face. She sat crying until her eyes eventually dried out. Suddenly, Callum squished himself beside her.

" Can I be alone?" She asked accusingly. Callum didn't move.

" Look, we all know it's hard to lose everything." He said. " but that doesn't make it all about you."

" I'm not tryi—" He put his finger to her lips. 

" Shh. Our lives have all been hard. Did you know my sisters and I lost our parents too?"

" No." She muttered.

" I know it's a bit harder to be the only fire mage left, but everything isn't about you." 

" Okay." 

" Can you try to not take it out on us?" He asked calmly.

" I'll try." She smiled up at him. He raised his thumb and wiped a tear away from her eyes. She looked down, and hoped he couldn't see the blush that was rising on her cheeks.

Yes, I know, Short chapter, you all hate me, but thanks for the views! I'm almost at 50 already and it's not nearly the end of the week! I'm gonna try and get 70 views by the end of the week, maybe 80. Eh, just read it! P.s. next chapter will be longer!

— chaoselephant 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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