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Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom lived a kind hearted king.

With him was his Queen that wanted nothing more than to have a child of their own.

But one beautiful spring morning where the flowers were blooming all around the kingdom, they got their wish.

The kingdom had welcomed their new princess.

She was the prettiest baby they have ever seen. Her fur was as pink as a heart and her eyes as purple as the lavender flower.

They named her 'Heart Pink'. But sadly soon after Heart Pink's birth, the queen took in gravely ill and passed away.

Leaving a grieving king with his new daughter. A few years passed and Heart Pink grew lovelier as her Father grew lonelier.

He was feeling so lonely in fact that he decided to seek a new queen and mother for his daughter.

But to his dire misfortune, his new Queen was indeed beautiful but she was also selfish and real spoiled.

Her name was Lydia and she was the most selfish woman anyone has ever seen.

When she married the King, she was introduced to Heart Pink as her new stepdaughter.

Lydia detested her before going in to her new private chamber.

In her chambers is a magic mirror that she was given as a wedding gift from her mother at her old kingdom.

She asks the mirror who is the most fairest woman of all.

Her usual answer was only her. The evil Queen couldn't even bare the fact that she may not be the fairest woman of all.

Even so, Heart-Pink had a heart of gold. She shows the kingdom with passion and grace.

As the years passed, Heart Pink became beautiful young lady 'beloved by her kingdom'.

It was the same, One day, when the king was away. Things changed.

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