I can't watch you die.

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Lian pushed past the wolves as she rushed up the stairs to were she had been told she could find shen. She past an gorilla who was walking with the soothsayer. Lian turned around and stopped him. "Leave us please."
The gorilla protested "but lord Shen-?"
"I. Don't. Care." She rushed past them and entered the room.
The white lord stood on a balcony overlooking the firework factory. He swung his blade around proudly, with a childish smirk on his face.
"Shen!" Lian yelled catching the lord's attention. He looked her way. "Ah Lian, what a pleasant surprise."
"What was that?!" She says gesturing behind her Clearly agitated. Shen rested his blade by his side. "What was what?"
"The palace, shen!" She scolded. Shen flinched slightly at the sound of her voice. "It had been ages since Liana had been so angry with him.
"It's just a building Lian." He defended brushing her off. She glared at him. "It wasn't just a building it was your home."
Shen walked over to the map of china hanging in the room. He laid the tip of his blade into a torch then pressed the blade in the center of the map, directly on gongman tower.and watched as the fire spread out from the towers to the rest of china "A trivial sacrifice, when all of china is my reward." He said raising his wings proudly.
"Is that it?" Liana asked, then will it finally satisfy you, will taking over the whole world actually make you feel better?"
Shen shrugged, "hmm, it's a start" he smirked at her and walked slowly away back towards the balcony. "And I might convert the basement into a dungeon"
"Do you even hear yourself?" Liana asked dumbfounded. Shen chuckled, "what do you want me to do Lian?"
"I want you to stop" she pleaded. Shen shook his head. "Why on earth would I do that?" He asked her observing the work beneath him.
Liana sighed. "you know I wish to support you and I always have. But- but that was before we knew the panda was still alive."
Shen glared in her direction. "That magic panda is a fool. He changes nothing."
"Well he's changed a lot so far" she replied. "he nearly captured you back in the tower" she walked closer towards shen. "And what then, if he did. It would've been over."
"But he didn't, so it isn't" shen said looking at her sweetly. "But how do you expect to be able to finish the weapons with him on the lose?" Liana asked, "You know you still have a two days left before we leave."
Shens sweet smile was suddenly clouded with guilt and he looked away from Lian. "Shen?" She asked touching his sleeve gently.
"Liana..." he said in barely a whisper. "We're loading the ships tonight..."
Realization spread over lians face. "Tonight...?" She asked. "But... my men have yet to return. They won't be back tonight you know that shen." She protested.
"Liana I don't have the time." Shen said looking at her. "As much a fool a believe that panda to be he is still a threat and I must insure my fleet reaches the harbor  before they can stop me."
"But shen you need me," Liana said tugging on his sleeve. "you will end up having half the fleet you had planned."
"You can't do this alone shen." She begged. Shen looked up sighing in dismay. "Lian..."
"If you won't do it for me then do it for your parents."
Shens eyes widened. "My parents... hated me, do you understand..?" He looked back down at her. "They wronged me, and I will, I must make it right." He chuckled pathetically. "Imagine how worthless you'd have to be for your own flesh and blood, not- " his voice cracked as he tried to hold back tears that threatened to spill. "Not to love you..."
A sorrowful expression appeared on lianas face. "Shen... your parents did love you..."
Shen scoffed. "What would you know..." Liana looked down. "I would give anything for my father to look at me the way your parents looked at you."
Shen felt a pang in his heart. "Lian... I'm sorry"
She chuckled weakly. "Shen... I stopped looking for my fathers approval a long time ago..."

She paused.

"The only opinion I care about anymore is... yours"

Shen studied her face closely.
Liana and shen had known each other since they were children. And had grown closer in there teen years. And had become each other only friends.
When shen was banished. He had sought out her father in hope her family would support him. And he remembered her begging her father to aid shen.
He owed everything to them.
"You may believe that your parents never loved you shen..."


"I do..."

Shens eyes widened slightly.

"And I can't bear to watch you die..."
Tears began to show in the corners of her eyes.
"Your the only person I have shen..."
Shen took a deep breath. "Lian... there is no turning back now... I must finish what I've started."
She looked up at him suddenly her crest bouncing with the movement. A single tear fell down her face. "Shen I'm afraid..."
He smiled sympathetically, "Liana my dear there is no need to be afraid."
"I'm afraid of losing the only person in the world left that I care about."
These words struck shen hard. He was left wordless and lost.
They stood there in silence. Liana took a slow step towards shen. Shen looked away from her. Trying not to make eye contact with her for he didn't want to face the tears in her eyes.
He was caught off guard by a warm feeling around him. He looked down and saw the poor peahen wings wrapped around him and her head finding it's place resting beneath his chin. "Lian..."
Shen was unsure of what to do. Normally shen wasn't very touchy feely. He stood there wings open for a moment. Then when he felt her shudder against him as she tried to hold back her tears.
Shens eyebrows narrowed in dismay, and he slowly and awkwardly wrapped his wings around her, finally returning the embrace. He could feel her heartbeat which was fast because of her current distress. A warm comforting feeling started to spread over shen. And he realized he'd forgotten what it was like to embrace someone.
Not even shens own mother had embraced him when he was banished.
Shen had to catch himself because he couldn't almost burst out in tears at that moment. He sighed barely audible and gentle tightened his embrace around Liana. He nuzzled the top of her head gently. As he thought about the battle ahead of him.
"Hmm" she hummed softly. "I don't want you to come with me..."
She suddenly pulled away from him to shens dismay. "But why? I can still help you"
Shen shook his head. "It's to dangerous, if anything does end up happening to me I need to insure that you are safe."
"But shen I-"
"Laila I want you to go home" shen Interrupted. her eyes widened. "You will be safe there."
She stared deeply into his crimson eyes. "Please Lian. I can have the death of many on my hands but I will not let myself be responsible for yours..."
Liana looked down at the floor. Her shoulder shook as tears started falling from her eyes... shen closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. "Liana please..."
She took in a deep shaky breath. And and stared up at him with feathers stained with fresh tears. "If that is what you want of me.... That is what I will do."
Shen sighed relief showering him. "With one condition." Liana said wiping away the wet spots on her face.
An a sure look came to shens face. "...condition?" He asked
"You have to promise me you will come and get me when you take over china."
Shen was about to say 'of course', then realized what she had said...
He looked the side and thought intently on what to say. "You have to promise shen," she said
" Shen took in a deep confident breath. "After I take over china I promise I will come for you Liana."
Liana smiled sadly. "How do I know your not lying."
Shen raised his wings in defeat. "What do you want me to do. Prove it, how?"
She smiled, "we need to seal the promise."
Shen rolled his eyes, "what are we, five?"
She chuckled, "no we aren't..." she placed a gentle wing to the side of his face. Shen absentmindedly leaned into her hand.
She leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss (peck) to his cheek. Shen watched her as she pulled away.
"When you see me again you can return it" she said smiling. She pulled her hand away from him. "Goodbye shen... I wish you all the happiness in the world." She dropped her smile not able to keep it up any longer. "I will always love you." She backed away. And turned away from him walking towards the door. She glanced at him one more time before turning away and leaving the room.

"I love you too..."

Lady Liana

 Authors note

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Authors note. Should I do a part 2?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 09 ⏰

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