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In Outer space

An Armada ship was attacking a smaller ship by shooting at it but the smallest shit was firing back

Robot 1: Hull damage, 20% but the system is fully operational

???: I have come too far to be denied both Omnitrix shall be mine and there is not a being that could stop me

Meanwhile in class

Ben was playing around in class as he did. The bell started ringing.

Teacher: just to remind you all I am going to be in summer school this year and it's not too late to sign up

Ben: yeah, right

Teacher: Mr. Tennyson you drop this

She was holding a paper plane

Teacher: may I have a work with you for a moment Benjamin

Ben kept his head down because he knows he was about to get scolded

With you

You were in your room on your Nintendo switch the game that you were playing was smash brothers but your game was interrupted by your mother

Tony: what the heck?

Martha: son I came in here and wanted to talk to you that you need to get out the house more

Tony: why?

Martha: because you're not gonna waste your summer playing video games

Tony: I have 104 days of gaming time

Martha: not in this house I called Max Tennison, and he and I discussed this you're going to spend the whole summer with him and his grandson and niece

Tony: hold up you mean that brat kid that I live next-door to you do realize that Ben Tennyson is a brat right he's nothing but a spoiled brat and self-centered and Gwen she's not far behind either she's way worse than Ben

Martha: come on, let's be fair we all know this is gonna happen

Tony: absolutely not. I am not spending my summer with two little children with an old man in a rusted RV.

Martha: first of all, it called the rust bucket and second of all you're going to go on summer vacation with Max Tennyson and that's final

Suddenly you heard a car horn

Martha: looks like that's him now off you go

Tony:🤦🏽‍♂️ let's get this over with

Back at school

There was a kid that was getting bullied by two other kids

???: normally we take your lunch and beat you up but since this is the last day of school, we're gonna give you a break now fork over the cash so we can get out of here

Ben: leave him alone

They turned around to see Ben standing there

???: get lost shrimp

Ben: I said back off

???: oh, so we got ourselves a hero what if we don't want to back off?

???: what are you going to do about it Tennyson

The two bullies were looking at Ben and then Ben got his butt kicked by both of them, and then he was hung up on the tree along with the other kid

???: thanks a lot

Ben: I was only trying to help

???: next time you wanna be a hero make sure you can back it up

Suddenly, the rust bucket showed up and the man inside it was grandpa Max

Ben 10 Ultimate HeroWhere stories live. Discover now