She had another segment with Jey but it was for next week's Raw. Now the one she was currently at.

"You're always doing work can't you ever take a break." Stacy whines.

"It was my work that got me to mainevent of Wrestlemania, just cause I made it to the top of the mountain doesn't mean I don't wanna stay there." She replies to her friend.

"We know that Annie, but you've been working yourself like crazy. You don't even enjoy the house shows anymore." Jesse furrows her eyebrows looking at her bestfriend concerned.

Taking a seat next to her Stacy joining on the other side, Jesse took the papers out Leanne hand holding them and making her look at her.

"I know you're a workaholic but you gotta remember to take a break every once in a while." Jesse tells her.

Leanne sighs heavily, Jesse was right, she shouldn't overwork herself till exhaustion. What made her love wrestling was that it didn't feel like work, it made her feel free to openly express herself in a way that was yes fake but also real.

She hadn't felt free until she found wrestling.

If she started to overwork herself, she'd miss out on the moments created on the journey.

"You're right, I should take a break." Leanne nods, agreeing.

"See I knew I'd get through to you." Jesse smiles, matching one's on Leanne and Stacy's face.

"Come on, we gotta go do the one part of this job that's actually fun." Stacy smirks.


       The Raw that night was generic, PVA had spent time more on Jesse and Stacy's storyline than Leanne's and because Rhea had a match that night to establish dominance and cut a promo on Leanne, the champion didn't need to be on TV that night.

Leanne sat in catering throughout the night watching the segment of Stacy and Jesse going around asking people who attacked them and then proceeding to attack them when they didn't get an answer.

She laugh each time because of the girls' antics.

By the end of the night she had been ready to go just waiting for the sisters as they got out a meeting with Adam.

"Hey, how was it?" She asks them with a smile as they approach.

Both held perplexed looks on their faces which made Leanne become concerned. "What's wrong?"

"We gotta get to the air port, Adam's sending us on the Latin tour." Stacy replies.

"Ok, so let's get packed and go." Leanne didn't see what exactly they meant.

"No he meant us. As in Stacy and I." Jesse clarifies.

"He said, we needed some traction without you since your wrapped up in the judgment day storyline so he's giving us that opportunity for the next few weeks." Stacy explains.

The champion didn't respond only nodding along. She understood the reasoning for Adam's decision, she just wished he'd say that before the night was done and they had to leave soon.

"We'll be in separate cars, since your going on the road and us by plane." Jesse tells her.

As they walk back Leanne speaks, "so I'll be traveling alone now."

"Well you can get some travel buddies." Stacy suggests.

"Yeah? Like who, I talk to practically no one around here and I don't just wanna hitch a ride because I need it after doing nothing to be friends with anyone." Leanne answers.

"Annie, they'll understand if you do, everyone knows you're reserved no one ever pushed you out your comfort zone they won't force you too now." Jesse replies.

Stacy pushing the door open walking in first, Leanne following along with Jesse.

They pick up their bags that Leanne had packed for them read and left.

"Promise me you'll get a travel buddy, I don't want you driving alone." Jesse turns to her.

"If you don't get one tonight, you better have one by tomorrow." Stacy warns.

Leanne sighs heavily, she knew her friends meant well but she didn't go well with others besides them. The idea of having to suck up to someone so they give her a ride was exhausting just thinking about it.

She had enclosed herself so much that all they interaction was exhausting.

"Alright, alright I'll see if I can." Leanne replies.

"You won't see, you will." Jesse corrects.

"Alright fine, I will, now get out of here, you got a plane to catch." She shoos them away.

"I'll call you when we're at the airport and when we get off in Mexico." Stacy tells her.

"I'll message when I get to the next town." Leanne calls back.

Going their separate ways, Leanne was grateful she didn't have a match tonight, she wouldn't be tired of exhausted to drive to Houston.

Putting her bags in the trunk, she went into the car feeling slightly low. Usually Stacy would be talking about anything and Jesse would either be sharing snacks or laughing at Stacy's dramatics.

The trio would listen to music and scream the lyrics solely to keep them up throughout the ride.

But now she was all alone. By herself with no one.

Leanne for the first time in years was traveling alone.

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