🎃 we fell in love in October pt2 🎃

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•Y/n's pov •


"Y/n, your more red than your fucking pasta. Is he really that good looking to you?" She questioned me. "Yes, he is. He's very good looking. I mean how can anyone  think that he's not fucking Beautiful. Because to me he's Gorgeous " I said.

"Well then why don't you ask for his number?" Bsf smirk at me. "Uhh I don't know? I'm...I..I dont know how to ask him" I looked back to my plate and started to eat my food.

°Inaki's pov°

After forever 21 Me and Mia left to eat olive garden. I didn't want to eat here, I JUST WANTED TO GO HOME. Our waitress sat us at our table and gave us our menus. I looked around from where I was sitting and for I second I thought I was going crazy. But I guess I wasn't because I saw the same girl that I saw from that mall.

The girl with beautiful h/c and gorgeous e/c. God she was breathtaking. But after gazing at her for a while our waiter came and asked for your order. I got what I wanted and then went on my phone.

After I while I thought about telling Mia but I'm not sure. I mean she listens a lot so I guess she'll understand me.

"Uh mia" I muttered. "Huh? Yeah what up?" She answered, "You know how we were about to enter forever 21 store?" I asked. "Yeah?" She said looking confused. "So right as we were gonna walking in I saw this really pretty girl with h/c and she was wearing ( whatever you picked on the last ch) and that other girl besides her?" I said nervous. "Oh yeah I saw them,..What about them?" She said wanting to know.

"Well I think that the girl that I explained about is here. And I really think she's beautiful, and I want to get to know her. But...I don't wanna be weird and be like 'hey I saw you at the mall can I get your number?' I wanna be more polite about it. And I don't know what do say or do. So I'm gonna need you help." I explained

"Wait..she's here? Dang that's crazy. Where is she sitting?" Mia said

"Yeah she right across from where we're sitting" I said.

"Wow, she really is beautiful. Umm I dont know how to help you but, I can give you advice?" She said looking unsure.

"Uhh, i just wanna do it quick because I know I'm gonna mess up" I said with my hands.

Some minute past and I thought about what I was gonna say. I was thinking about saying 'hey I saw you at the mall, and I thought you were really pretty. And I was wondering if I could get your number to know you'. But I don't know if it's gonna work.

Fuck it imma do it.

"Hey Mia I'll be back" I stand up and headed towards her. I got so nervous I had second thoughts.

Fuck what if I mess up. Shit I can't think about that.

"Hey Y/n look who's coming" I heard the girl across from her. I saw her turn around, and gosh she was very pretty. Fuck I'm burning up.

"Hey uh I saw you at the mall an hour ago and I thought that you where really beautiful and i wanted to get to know you. So I was wondering if I could have your number?" I said slightly smiling.

"Oh yeah..I-I remember seeing you. Um of course you can have my number I thought you were really"   handsome." She looked really scared to see me, did I do something wrong? No, no I couldn't have possibly done anything.

We exchanged phone numbers and I headed back to the table Mia was at.

"So you got her phone number?" Mia asked. "Yeah I was fucking hot when I got up to her. Like I was hearing up." I said. "Well at least you got it" she shrugged. "Yeah I guess so"

IÑAKI GODOY IMAGINE Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum