"KLEIN!" I laughed as we walked down the plane stairs into the Scottish night.

"What? I'm only telling the truth."

"Oh my days, I have such an idiot for a husband," I said shoving my head into my hands. "John and Cole were right, we are going to have weird children."

"Shh! Not so loud, others might hear," he spoke as he covered my mouth.

"Klein," I murmured through his hand.

"Yes, dear."

"You're being ridiculous. No one is going to tell the press."

"Am I now? Abi when has anything we've done been private? Our whole lives have been documented in the press. We got outed at youngsters as being the next rulers of Milowa. It wasn't like that for your brother, but it was for us. I'm not being nasty, I just want to wait to let the world know that we're expecting because I want to make sure he or she is going to make it first," he said.

I climbed in the back of the car before answering. "I know your concerns, Klein, but I'm happy I'm pregnant but I'm scared too. There's always a chance I'm going to lose it or that it's going to be born with something wrong with it. I don't know how my body has turned out to be on the inside because of my anorexia. But I know that I'm going to try everything to keep this pregnancy healthy."

"That's what scares me, Abi. I feel like we're getting ourselves worked up so early for it to fail later on. I'm ecstatic that I'm going to be a dad but at the same time, I'm petrified in case my joy is short lived. I don't want to argue when we're both so exhausted with the fatigue and in your case it's not wise at all."

"I love you, Klein."

"Abi, I'll always love you no matter happens. I made that promise for life. There's no take backs. And I'm sure Milowa would kick me up the backside if we split."
"They would. Can I go for a nap until we get to the hotel?"

"I'll waken you up when we get there."

I shut my eyes and went to dreamland.

My family has become closer since I've become Queen. My grans are the best of friends, it's quite weird to see. Lucas and Shelby are expecting their own addition to their family. In the form of a little girl. Shelby's 5 months along, so not long until she's here. My dad and his brothers have become a family again. They're all laughing and joking like they were never apart. Seeing my dad live out the remainder of his days with his brothers warms my heart.

Lewis and Josh have both gained girlfriends, along with Cole and John. Their relationships have been vigorously tested with them all knowing Klein and I personally. They've faced so many ups and downs because the boys have had to keep secrets from their girlfriends on the behalf of Klein and I.

Cara, on the other hand, has a new fiance called Jake. He's so much better than Andrew. Because for one, he doesn't dare lay a hand on her. He's so protective over her instead. He will talk to her about any problems arising within their relationship and he'll make sure there's nothing he should be worrying about. Their wedding wasn't put on when they were 20 due to the fact that they had to get to know each other. Except, Jake proposed after 3 months of knowing each other. They were happy when they announced it to us. Except, I already knew. He had asked me for his permission first. All because he knew of the trouble she went through with Andrew and the distance Andrew put between Cara and I.

I found it cute that he asked me first before he asked my Uncle Louis. Speaking of my Uncle Louis, he's responding well to his new medication. Although he won't be fully healed from his schizoaffective disorder, he's stopped hearing my papa's voice constantly. He's calmed down in the sense that he's willing to be seen outside his home with my aunt.

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