The first concert

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"Bro, we should totally buy matching yachts." My sister smiled at me waving her fresh manicure in the same direction and I sighed because as much as the offer was tempting, I would rather much prefer to buy matching helicopters,

"Ow!" I yelped as our assistant burnt me with the hot iron, I snarled at her and my sister rolled her eyes at the brown haired woman,

"Crimp, go stand in the corner!" My sister growled while pointing wet hot pink nails at the corner of our dressing room. She huffed out a sigh and as she went to sit down the scrunching of her holographic skirt being the predominant sound in the room.

I huffed as I just seem to get the wing on my eyeliner to match its counterpart, I'd erase it by my cyan fading into navy blue glittery eyeshadow stopped that from happening,

"Honestly Bro, I think you need to hire your own makeup artist especially since we're like totally famous now!" She was interrupted by Crimp our brunette assistant bend her small petite form down with a tube of lipstick.

I hummed as I pondered the thought, especially since Crimp wasn't really good at makeup as she chose the most ugliest shade of harlequin pink to put against my sister's pale milky skin and I could do it just fine but I always end up fucking it up in one way or another.

"Well maybe we could both get makeup artists especially since someone sucks-" I cut myself off my giving a nasty glare our small assistant, watching her big brown eyes leak tears on her peach colored cheeks.

I rolled my eyes at the small woman's pathetic performance of trying to get us to pity her, after she sang that 9-5 song all our respect for her flew out the door.

Velvet pursed her lips as if she were thinking about it and quickly responded to me,

"Your right but I want my own." She loosely crossed her arms extremely mindful of her still wet nails that could get smudged. I nodded my head as I leisurely laid down on the chaise with my head hanging over the arm of the bed like lounge chair my neck length hair was down from it's usual styled quiff.

"Fair afterall i'd probably get jealous because I don't like sharing~" I mocking kissed the air and observed as my sister rolled her warm ocean blue eyes at me before saying,

"Well I guess we should go yell at Crimp to make that happen huh?" She smirked at me and I looked at our pathetic weepy assistant and rose a thin green eyebrow at her and she desperately tried to not meet my gaze.

How weak.

"Crimp you heard my sister right?" My chilled sapphire gaze connected to coffee with a lot of creamer brown eyes as she nodded her head of tangled brown curls at me, before my voice dropped an octave,

"Then go be a good little assistant and go." The look on my face must've frightened her as her eyes clouded with more tears as she hastily tried to escape my fierce unnerving stare.

"God why do we even pay her?" My sisters warm tone returned after our useless assistant ran from the two of us.

"Honestly Vels I have no clue." I spoke as I adjusted my indigo crystal choker in front of my own reflection,

"So... wanna go to Sugar's and party with the peasants in the Vip lounge?"

"Not today Vels, just not up to it." I then watched through the reflection as her lithe body moved itself closer to me,

"What wrong bro?" Her coo cut through the air as her knuckles danced across my cheek in a loving manner and I smiled at the warmth and tenderness.

"I'm just tired of seeing everyone being so happy and in love except me." I lamented as I didn't realize how lonely this life of a glamorous Star would be.

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