Chapter Forty Two

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You tried your best to take in your surroundings, but it was hard to do when your eyes were closed most of the time from König's grip in your hair. You could make out a few doors on each side of the hallways – just like at the other place. Towards the end of the hall, a plain wooden door on the right was left uncovered. König steered you to it and opened the door – reaching in and flipping the light switch that sat flush against the left side of the wall.

The bathroom was basic - Shower/tub combo, a single sink and a toilet. No windows and nothing in here that could be used a weapon – not even a toilet brush scrubber. König pushes you into the bathroom before letting go of your hair. The back of your head now sore from your roots being tethered with. The door behind you shuts, but you still felt his presence in here with you.

"A little privacy?" You snark out as you turn around to face him.

König crosses his arms and chuckles deeply, "If you think I'm going to leave you alone in here, you're dumber than you look."

You throw your hands out before they naturally drop to your side and smack against your legs, "And what the fuck could I possibly do in here?" you ask rhetorically. "I cant escape. Theres no windows. I cant use anything in here as a weapon."

König stares back at you with eyes that say one thing. "Kill myself?" you say dumbly. "You're dumber than you look if you really think I'm going to end my life like that. I have too much to live for," you pause, "And plus, you'll probably rape my dead corpse anyway, like you did a few days ago."

Before you could strike back with another word, König was towering over you, "Cant rape the willing," he pauses as his voice gets lower, "Harley."

You crane your neck back a bit to look him in his eyes, "I wasn't fucking willing."

"You say one thing, but your body said the complete opposite. Do you need a reminder?" he questions as he takes a step towards you – his body now pressed against yours.

"I don't need shit from you... König," you said his name like it was venom in your mouth. You turn to walk away from him, but his large hand grabs your arm. You jerk your head towards him, "I would be careful with your words Darling," he threatens, "Especially from the person who is going to be taking care of you," he finishes as his eyes go from yours, to your stomach and then back to your green pupils.

You jerk your hand back and gasp, "You wouldn't fucking dare," you say glaring at him.

"Try me." It wasn't the words. It wasn't the tone; it was the look in his eyes when he said it. You took a step back as one of your hands immediately went to your belly. You knew he meant it and you knew you were pushing your luck.

You stood there in a daze, not realizing that König had walked past you and turned the water to the bathtub on. You could hear the rushing sound of the water fill your ears. The sweet smell of lavender fill your nostril and the warm steam kiss your skin – but none of these things could bring you out of the headspace you were currently in.

"Liebling," König says behind you. You heard him, but your body had other plans. The room was growing smaller and becoming darker. Everything in you told you to snap out of it. The voice deep within you was screaming at you to move – to say something, but there was nothing you could do. You were frozen.

"Harley." You felt his large hand on the small of your back, but you didn't move – not even flinch. Darkness took over your vision completely and you were in your own world now. Your own personal hell that you hated. Memories of you and Ghost played like a slideshow in front of you. His voice was in your ears and if you didn't know any better, you could have reached out and touched him – and felt his warm touch. He was a rough man for sure, but with you, he was gentle and soft spoken. He was your everything and now you carried a piece of him with you – a piece that you both created.


König's voice a little sterner and he was now in front of you. You stared past him, your eyes not blinking once. What you once considered your personal hell, was now feeling like your heaven and you didn't want to leave. If you left, Ghost wouldn't be here. Soap wouldn't be here – but in this realm, the baby inside you wasn't here. A single tear escaped from your eye as you felt torn between the two.

You heard the water shut off and König grabbed the bottom of your oversized shirt and pulled it over your head. Your arms dead weight as he struggled with getting the shirt over them. You stood there naked in front of one of the men you hated the most as you felt him pick you up and place you into the hot water of the tub.

The water kissed your skin leaving a red mark to let you and anyone else know it had been there. "Harley," König's voice rang through your ears. You felt a hand cup the side of your face – your eyes still yet to blink. He grabbed you by your shoulders and quickly pushed you under the soapy water.

Your chest burned from the cut off of oxygen and the voice deep within you was becoming louder and louder. The memories displayed before you were quickly fading and the darkness that had consumed you was suddenly replaced with light. Your eyes blinked once as your body jerked in König's hands. He quickly jerked you up out of the water – your chest expanding from the gasp of air.

Your wet hair splayed over your face as the suds glided down. Coughing took over your lungs when the air hit them – knocking out any water that may have intruded through. König's large hand rubbed your back as you forced any liquid from your airway.

Your redden face looks over at his covered one. Tears filled your eyes from the coughing spell that just occurred. His hand still rested on your back as his other hand held onto your arm to hold you up. König's eyes scanned over your face – going from both eyes to your lips and then repeating. Yours stared back into his as you watched his eyes move in a triangular motion.

"Talk to me." It wasn't a question, but a demand he gave you.

You sit there staring into his green eyes for a few seconds before responding – your mind taking a minute allowing you to speak, "I hate you," your words harsh and dark. Your eyes never faltered as they pierced into his and his never changed at your words.

"That will change," he replies with the same darkness in his voice that you gave to him. You finally break the eye contact and stare at the bubbles in the water. König removes his hands from you and grabs the fresh bar of soap off the shelf on the shower wall. He dips it in the water before bringing it to your skin. You didn't try to fight. You didn't try to petition it. You just say there in the bath water and let him wash you.

He wanted you to be submissive and if that's what it took for you to get out of here, then so be it. You would play the part long enough then find the perfect opportunity to kill him and anyone else that stood in your way. The time of wallowing in your sorrows and pity was over. The old Harley was back, and it was time to fight fire with fire. 

A/N: I have it tagged for "Mention of Suicide", but if anyone has that urge or knows someone who has that urge, please reach out. You matter in this world and personally I can say I have been in both pairs of shoes. It does get better <3

Suicide Hotline #: 988

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