"A family that ritualizes killing together? Definitely not." Derek says.

"You know, if the family speaks Romanian, the spreading of the glass makes sense." Spencer says. "It's an eastern European superstition for good luck."

"So they're Romanian." Bates says. "We already knew that."

"Not just Romanian. We're talking about people that are highly superstitious and obsessed with ritual." Spencer says.

"Romany." Rossi says.

"Romany?" Bates asks.

"Gypsies." Derek says.

"More accurately, someone who has perverted Romany culture." Spencer says.

"Call Garcia." Rossi says and Derek takes his phone out. "They're tight knit and nomadic like our unsubs, but not usually prone to violence."

"Hiya, baby." Penelope greets.

"Hey, baby girl, we need to talk." Derek says.

"PG or NC-17?" She asks.

"You're on speakerphone." He warns.

"I charge extra for groups." She says.

"We need you to run through crimes similar to the Hale murders in the last two years." Rossi says.

"Oh, I already did that. Zip." Penelope says.

"Go back even further, Garcia. Cross reference against any small towns that have had reports of petty theft associated with waves of Romany populations entering the area." Spencer says.

"Romany?" Penelope asks.

"Gypsies." Rossi says.

"As in "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves?"" Penelope asks.

"Exactly." Derek says.

"Oh, bless you all for turning my life into a Cher song. You'll have it nearly immediately." Penelope says.

"You're the best." Derek hangs up.

"You need to get your men together right now." Rossi says.

"Why is that?" Bates asks.

"Cause whatever ritual these people are trying to play out, we know Cate Hale didn't fit their needs." Spencer says.

"Which means they'll have to try again." Derek says.


Derek leads Hotch and Rossi into the office.

"What's going on?" Hotch asks.

"Garcia, you still there?" Derek asks.

"Present." She says.

"Explain what you got." Derek tells her.

"Okay, I went ahead and went further back looking for similar cases and I made the search national." Penelope says.

"All these are hits?" Rossi asks.

"Yeah. There's 30 of them." Penelope says. "They go as far back as 1909. Rapid City, South Dakota, Taos, New Mexico, Gary, Indiana. My map is lit up like a Christmas tree."

"All these girls were abducted and had their parents killed?" Hotch asks.

"The time between the kills was long enough and the regions of the country so spread out that it never showed up as serial." Spencer says.

"What the hell is this?" Rossi asks.

"I don't know. But it looks like it's been going on for generations." Derek says.

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