"Now?" You asked, surprised.

"Yeah, wanna go there together?" He asked as you nodded and began strolling along with him.

"Why were you there anyway?" He broke the silence.

"Oh, just meditating." You lie, smiling at him for a moment.

"I heard yelling a few hours ago. Was that you?" He continued questioning you as your stomach began tightening.

"No, I dunno." You lie again, avoiding eye contact.

"Alright." He responds, "We're here."

As you approach the now lit up temple. Lanterns were hanged all around it, making the place feel alive. When you walked in, you saw a large table placed in the middle, and on the table were placed several plates of food, a few bottles of alcohol and three plates of dessert.

Johnny was already at the far end of the table, cracking jokes with Kenshi and Raiden. When you walked in, his eyes followed you for but a fleeting moment, however looked away quickly.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Raiden called you as he motioned for you to sit next to him.

"Hey." You greeted him with a warm smile as you sat down, "This is nice."

"I know right." Raiden responded, filling his bowl up with soup and noodles.

You flashed Johnny a glance before your eyes locked. You noticed regret in them, before he looked away to continue talking to Kenshi, who sat beside him.

After looking over the food, you decide to take some sweet and sour chicken. It was incredible; probably the best dish you have tried since being here.

"Holy shit, this is amazing." You laugh.

"Probably because all we ate for the past two months was rice." Kenshi added, chuckling to himself.

Glancing over at Johnny, once again, you see him reaching for the bottle of wine which stood in the middle of the table. He popped off the cork before pouring himself a full glass and drinking it in a matter of minutes.

The evening was filled with laughter and conversations, which finally made you feel alive. You connected with the other champions on another level, and you felt comfortable and safe.

"I did this movie once, and it was a terrible movie because it was one of my first ones, but basically, they had the exact same thing that you are talking about... only that it wasn't a store, it was a bank. But you get the point." Johnny mumbled through his drunk state.

"Guys, actually, I think I'm gonna go sleep." You say as you stand up from the table and begin leaving, "Bye guys, see you."

"Bye!" You heard echo from all the champions.

"I'm gonna go too, catch up with you later." Johnny said as he rushed to catch up to you.

You glanced at him walking beside you, but didn't say anything.

"Can we go to the island?" He murmured, with the stench of alcohol radiating from his mouth.

"Okay." You reply flatly, turning to the opposite direction of your home. 

When you arrive, you lean against the border with surrounded the island of rock.

Johnny stepped towards you, "(Y/N), please, forgive me for saying all of that I mean, I was an idiot, and I didn't know how to act because y'know like I love you and I just got lost in what to say and please forgive me."

You heart dropped to your stomach, "Love me?"

He was terrible at covering his emotions in this drunken state as he began mumbling, "What? No, I never said that, you... you're a friend."

You cover your mouth with your palm, unable to comprehend what you were hearing. Pure drunken truth.

"No, Johnny. Tell me the truth." You insisted.

He sighed deeply before slurring his words, "I love you, (Y/N)."

Your brain short circuits and your heart gets bathed in blood which rushes around your body. You look back at his adoring eyes.

"I love you too, Johnny." You speak softly before stepping forwards to him.

Your arms wrap around his neck as his hands find your waist and grip onto it tightly. You breathe heavily from the sensation. This was real. This wasn't a dream anymore.

Your bodies press against each other as your lips brush against his softly before colliding against his. He tastes of wine and mint.

His hands travel around your back and then find their way down to your hips. You grip onto his back to pull him closer to you before he leans down to your level to deepen the kiss.

You groan lowly into the kiss before running your fingers through his hair and then press them against his face.

You pull away, breathing heavily and shivering from his touch. And then the dawning realisation strikes down at you: will he even remember this moment tomorrow?

Hollywood Walk of Shame (Johnny Cage x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now