"Pretty sure," He smiled "I've wasted enough time there. Plus if it was any other school then I would've taken my newts by now instead of doing my owls just this year. Plus there is the 'small' matter of Voldemort and Libra. I've got to deal with Libra and Voldemort hasn't responded to my offer yet."

"We're going to miss you Harry" Daphne said as she and the girls hugged Harry once they got off the train.

"Thanks" Harry smiled once they let him go. "For what it's worth, I never asked for friends and I never wanted friends, but I am glad that you three became my friends."

"Aw, look at him, he's become so soft" Fay joked.

"The fuck did you say?" Harry's green eyes narrowed as they suddenly brightened.

"Nothing, nothing!" Fay quickly backpedalled.

"That's what I thought" Harry sniffed.

"Yes, yes, you're still a badass" Delphi rolled her eyes.

"There was never any doubt in my mind." Harry replied, any further response was cut off by a black owl which flew down and dropped a letter into Harry's hands before flying off. Harry raised an eyebrow at the bird's retreating figure, eventually he read the letter. Shadow was on his head and was also focused on the letter, he couldn't read it but he just liked to pretend he could. "Ah" Harry said once he was done.

"What is it?" Delphi asked.

"Oh, I'm just going to go kill Voldemort now" Harry said in a calm voice now, as if he was telling them he was going off to buy some milk, though an undertone of anger was present.

"Wait what?" The girls blurted out in sync.

"The dark wanker has sent a rather disturbing letter" Harry said as he handed Delphi the letter, she immediately began reading it. "Basically he has Sirius and Bellatrix captive and is giving me the chance to go and rescue them."

"Wait, this could be a fake." Delphi said hopefully "They could be lying."

"Which is why you and me are going home to find out." Harry said as he grabbed Delphi by the arm, he then looked at the other girls. "Go home, don't worry we can handle this, we'll write to you later." Harry apparated the two back home.

"Kreatcher!" Delphi called once they were inside.

"Yes mistress Delphi?" Kreatcher popped in.

"Where's Sirius and Bellatrix?" Harry said quickly.

"Master dogfoot and Mistress Bellatrix went out yesterday morning young master, they've not come back" Kreatcher answered.

"Harry!" Delphi turned to Harry with a worried and horrified expression.

"Delphi!" Harry grabbed her by the shoulders and spoke in a firm and strong voice "Look at me, I said look at me, now are you listening? Delphi are you listening?!" Harry demanded as he shook her slightly, her eyes focused on him and she nodded. "Here's what is going to happen. I am going to get ready and then I am going to go over there and rescues Sirius and Bellatrix.

You are going to stay here, you're going to wait for me to come back. The Fidelius charm is still active, do not accept floo calls from anyone while I am gone. I don't care if it's the girls, Dumbledore or the ministry. I don't even care if it's Bellatrix and Sirius, you do not answer the floo while I am gone. Understand?"

"Yes Harry" She nodded numbly.

"You do not answer or open any letters that you may get while I am gone, you keep Kreatcher with you at all times until I come back. Until I come back I want you to keep your wand on you at all times and stay safe. They might be trying to lure me away so they can catch you. Do not do anything until I get back, do you got it?"

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