"Yeah but that wouldn't be as fun" Harry smirked.

"Fun?!" Dumbledore demanded "The pain and suffering of others is fun for you?!"

"Depends on who it is" Harry answered honestly.

"You are a cruel, evil boy!"

"Yep" Harry nodded before giving a small shrug "why do you think that is?"


"Why do you think I am the way I am? Do you think I was born with the love of hurting other people? I certainly didn't stab anyone when I was a baby...unless I did and my parents managed to cover it up...anyway, I didn't always enjoy violence. Look at animals, mother bear teaches her cubs to hunt, mother bird teaches her children to fly. I was taught to enjoy violence. That's what happens at Libra, you have options. You either become an emotionless drone or you learn to enjoy it or you die. They couldn't have defective products, I was rather attached to my emotions believe it or not. And, surprisingly, I didn't fancy dying. I enjoy it because it's what I was taught to enjoy.

I've been trained by fighters and killers to be a fighter and killer. I am what I am. Natural physical, mental and magical strength combined with the Libra environment made me what I am. That's one of the reasons I hate it here, I feel like a dragon forced to wear clothes and shoved into a pen with a flock of sheep. While they were off enjoying birthday parties, I was off either training or trying not to die."

"Mr Potter, I..."

"And don't you dare bring my parents into this." Harry cut him with a cold voice "My parents were funny and smart and kind because they didn't grow up somewhere where kindness would be considered a weakness only to escape and have the first person who is truly kind to them judged for something she had no control over. If my parents were in the same situation as me they'd either be dead or just like me. Even you, you can sit there and lecture me from high up in your ivory tower in your little office with your books and gadgets and magical phoenix, you can lecture me on how I live and how I act but I know damn well that you can only do so because you aren't in my position!

You have been sitting in this school enjoying the money and fame that is provided since you're Albus bloody Dumbledore, defeater of Grindelwald and headmaster and in possession of at least two important government positions. You know nothing about my life nor do you know anything about what I've done, what I've seen, what I've had to do and yet you act like you're better than me. If you were the same age as me, born in the exact same circumstances then I would bet that you'd be worse than me. You sound like a child. 'Oh, killing is bad' and 'that magic is dark', you're so old yet you're still so incredibly naïve.

If you were in my position then I bet that you'd be one of those Libra men that would kill and kill without any remorse because that's what you would've been taught. I bet you would enjoy it."

"You're wrong" Dumbledore said in a firm voice as he glared at Harry.

"And you can only say that because you aren't in my position." Harry glared back "What? You think that you're better than me just because you didn't kill when given the opportunity? I don't think you're better than me. Yeah I do bad shit to bad people but I never harm people I think don't deserve it, because if I did then I would've killed half the school by now. Even in Libra, I refused to kill sometimes and I got punished for it. If you were me then you would've just killed each and every time and sat down like a dog before waiting to be patted on the head. I might be evil depending on who you ask, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm just working with what I've got. What I've got is constantly telling me to go back to Libra and apologise and beg to rejoin their ranks and follow them. Everyday I have to battle against that part of myself!

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