Chapter 1

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Winter POV

TW: Abuse (not rlly tho)

Winter woke up to crashing noises outside his room. Nothing was safe in this house... You couldn't go anywhere without Narwhal finding something to get angry about....

He quietly got out of bed and got changed for school. His parents disapproved of sending him back, but after some amount of persuasion, he managed. Jade Mountain High. He was going back.

Winter acted cold around his "friends" as they always thought of him to be like that. Inside, Winter was a mess. A mess, who was broken and cried himself to sleep almost everyday. His parents thought he was a disappointment to their family. His father was almost always drunk, and abused Winter.

He was not perfect like his sister, Icicle. She was all his parents had expected HIM to be.

Winter quietly got out of the house with a sigh of relief. He escaped hell. He got out his phone and texted his "best friend" Qibli.

Winter: Can you pick me up on the way to school? I just escaped from my parents...

Qibli: Yea sure! Also, we're going to the Outclaw Cafe to hang before school so it's a good thing you asked. I'll come over with Thorn asap

Winter: oh ok... I'll see u soon ig...

Qibli: luv u!! Byeeeee <33333

Winter felt a blush creep onto his pale face. Qibli was starting to act kinda weirdly around him since a few months. It was a bit creepy...

He waited near the gates of his mansion for Qibli to arrive with Thorn.

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