The First Hunt in Hosu

Beginne am Anfang

Sidekick 2 : No, he never strike at a location more than once. Mostly because his intimidation tactics works quite well. As for your two last questions, it was a yes for both during the first week he was here. It most likely was simply to familiarize with Hosu, after that his path is quite clear : go from "fake" heroes to fake heroes. Thought he did never used the same escape route twice to avoid an potential ambush. 

Izuku : That will make my work easier... His "learning the city" sent will be old enough for me to recognize easily... With him never taking the same path twice... will ease my hunt quite a lot... Sniffing him back, will be like to follow back Ariadne's thread.

Manual : Alright, we've just arrived. We will give you a quick tour of the building and show you your quarters. Once done we will have a general meeting and you'll tell us how you want to move forward.

Izuku : Understood...


Izuku was glad that they finally were hitting the street. Although as an experienced predator he knew well how to mask his discomfort, the visit and reunion at the agency was not pleasant. He may be accustomed to angry and fearful looks thrown at him, but not when it comes to multiple professional heroes inside their dent.

It felt like being in a containment unite inside of some kind of specialized facility. However now he was back into his primordial element, a predator lurking into a city emptied of almost all of its inhabitants, his fur illuminated by the pale light of the moon. Now it was time to hoont. 

Izuku : It is time to start our research... bring me to where he was last seen... then we will start from here...

Sidekick 2 : The last time someone reported seeing him was 2 blocks north east from here. It was this morning and he seemed to be targeting Ingenium, who is already hot on his tracks.

They were already starting to move through the city towards there destination, most sidekicks were quite shocked by the great speed and agility of the Wendigo. At first they thought that because of his size they would have te regularly wait for him. They did not expected to see him do having to do just that. Manual had to suppress his laugh.

Izuku : I see... Where is Ingenium patrol routes...?

Manual : Three blocks north-est from where he was last sighted. 

Izuku : That is all I need...

Soon enough, they all arrived at the last place Stain was saw. Midoryia did not waste any time and put his nose to work, he took in all the scent present and easily picked up the one belonging to his target as it help the distinct iron scent of blood. He memorized it and started to follow its most resent path by making sure it stayed strong.

It took them a 45 minutes of running and jumping from streets to streets and from rooftops to rooftops before the Wendigo started to show a significant pick of interest. When he did, only Manual barely manege to keep up with him, as the sidekicks were left behind almost completely exhausted. 

Once the pro hero manege to get back to his new cannibalistic tracker, he found Midoryia standing at the pick of his high sniffing erratically all around. And he didn't like one bit the air of concern that seemed to radiate from the creature.

  Izuku : That smell... I know that smell...

Manual : You found something else ? Something bad ?

Izuku : Yes... another smell... One I hoped to not feel again this early... One I had smelled only twice...

Manual : S**t, you mean...

Izuku : Yes... once at UA... and the second time at the USJ... 

Manual : The f***ing league.


Hello Everyone ! Happy christmas and Happy new year !

Sorry for the delay but I used the Holiday to take a break from writing and build up some inspiration. Anyway, I hope you are hype as much as I am for what coming next !

Hope that 2024 will suck less :/

Izuku : Wendigo of the full moon (lord of the hunt)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt