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Blue shades tapered the sky along with great fluffy clouds. The radio's crisping audio drained the car of silence. Loreen's both hands on the steering wheel, about to take you somewhere god knows where. You had a book in your hand that you'd use as some kind of entertainment on this little roadtrip of yours. Loreen seemed to throw a quick glance over to you as the sound of paper whistled - you flipped page.

"What are you reading, darling?"

You smiled to yourself, your eyes focused to the words. "Be quiet."

"Hmm, sounds interesting. What author is that?" She continued to tease with her husky voice - typical behavior of hers.

"Will you shut up?"

You playfully rolled your eyes. Loreen laughed and went back to focusing on the road. The Swedish scenery continued to flash by as she drove. Trees, forests, different lakes and beautiful summer landscapes. Truth is, you actually hated summer. It was always too warm and it made you slowly crawl back into that place of rotting, in a way. It always had a splash of gray to it. The shade of melancholy. No matter how happy you were, the shade of gray always danced in your head. The other colors, though, were warm and vibrant. They'd remind you of a playfulness. That kind of feeling that only could be found from your childhood. Those colors were the sound of children laughter. The summer was some kind of fever dream. It was almost unreal and went by way too fast. The only good thing about it was her - Loreen. She always managed to make it more fun. She knew how to cover that gray spot even if it only lasted for a little while. Loreen just knew how to make everything bright again. Bright and colorful. That was just one of the things that made you fancy her. 

During the little trip, your mind wouldn't stop wandering about where she would take you. Would it be something more adventurous? Something romantic? You still couldn't figure out, although it was quite the most obvious. Soon enough, Loreen's smoky voice spoke again. She was your favorite sound.

"Are you excited?" She asked, as if it wasn't obvious by now. Her lips played an awfully pretty smile as she spoke. Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel, the sound of her rings clicked along with the rhythm.

"Is that a serious question?" You breathed out with a slight smirk attached to the sentence. Loreen tended to often ask dumb or just useless questions which you found pretty charming. Although her intelligent mind, her silliness was adorable too. 

An amused chuckle escaped her lips once more. Her cold hand met the skin of your thigh and squeezed it lightly. This gesture of hers sent some shivers through your body. It was like an electric touch - the motion of love. You couldn't help but to instantly smile at her. Your body leaned over from the passenger seat, to her cheek where your lips lingered with a quick smooch. Loreen laughed a little bit. This was one of the moments where your life was actually good. Or even great. But you didn't know that this would be one of the last moments like those..

One hour or two went by and the car finally stopped. You were at the destination. You glanced out the window and now everything made perfect sense again. She took you to your favorite spot. That spot where you have all your first memories. Your eyes lit up and it felt like there were fireworks in your heart. Loreen sure was thoughtful. Almost scary much. You looked over back at her and her captivating beauty. Her tongue licked her lips with a satisfied smile that said. " I knew she'd love it". You got out of the car and so did Loreen. Interlocking her fingers with yours, you two marched towards the rocky cliffs. The sound of waves got closer and one or another seagull could be heard in the distance. The sun was almost starting to set now and everything looked like a beautiful canvas. Delicate colors that displayed life. Your perfect life. And Loreen was the main thing that held it all together. She was like the frame. A golden one. Her hands soft like sunflower petals that traced on your hands as you sat down, watching the comforting view. 

"It's as beautiful as the first time." You mumbled to yourself as your eyes couldn't stop admiring what you saw. Loreen's thumb brushed on your hand sweetly but also flirtatiously.

"As beautiful as you, too." Her voice whispered, her hot breath steaming on your ear and cheek. It almost made a shade of blush add on your cheeks. "I really do love when you and I go here." She added. 

You couldn't imagine anything more romantic in this moment. It was all just so delightful. So sweet and cinematic. It was all made for a movie screen or a beautiful fairy tale. Sometimes you wish you could just freeze time and stay in times like this. In the most cinematic situations. And once again, all caught up in admiration and thoughts, Loreen's hand grabbed your chin. Your head craned towards your left and your gaze met with the windows of her soul. Her dark, velveting eyes looked so kind but also had some kind f spice that you could not name. She huffed playfully and scooted a little closer. The sound of her clothes against the rocky ground beneath you popped. A smile enveloped on your face and the cool summer breeze whistled through your long, blonde hair, tickling your shoulders and your back. God damn, her presence by itself was so alluring. You took a breath, about to say something, when she closed the distance between you two. Loreen's chapped lips meeting against yours - just magical. Her hand found it's way to her cheek, holding your head in place as the kiss only grew deeper. The passion was unbearable and the tension was over the roof. She was so magnetic, pulling you in. Soon enough, your bodies were touching and her soft breath mixed with your more heavy one. Her lips tasted so sweet in a way. You used your fingers carefully into her hair and brushed the hair out of her face gently. Her long dark hair was curtained down her body. 

Loreen's cold rings could be felt on your skin again, pressing more tightly. She caught her breath and pulled away from the moment. The sparks stopped for a second.

"Oh my god," She breathed, seemingly flirty and wanting more. "You're way too fun to kiss, habibi." Loreen used her Arabic again. Your absolute weakness. Her accent was just everything.

She pulled you in once again, now with your tongues intertwined as well, dancing the erotic play of love. Wet sound of lips touching, tongues swirling and heavy breathing was all that could be heard except for the summer noises around you. Your body felt hot and bothered. Your knees slowly weakened for her and this whole moment. It all made you feel like you were melting. The bracelets on her wrists made a rattling noises as her hands traveled further on the map of your body. It landed on your lower back and bottom, caressing the shape of you. She made you feel wanted - loved. Her movements, though, started to intensify. She almost was grunting. Her hands now rough on your lower back. Loreen was going in for it without a warning. She took both hand on your head to keep you in place as her mouth was basically eating you. Pleasure mixed with a hint of feeling uncomfortable now and you tried to back off. She took the phrase "take someone's breath away" a bit too literal and serious. You carefully pushed her away without wanting to seem too rude.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" She tilted her head, almost teasing you still. Not taking it seriously. You managed to gather your breath for a quick moment before you could speak.

"That was just way too much. Can you not?" You said, admitting to what she did wrong. Loreen scoffed, still not able to take it seriously at all. She all thought of it as some light joke.

"Awh, you couldn't handle? Sorry, darling." She apologized. It was obvious that she didn't mean it though. It all had some kind of sarcastic undertone. 

You only sighed as she pulled you closer again, her arm around your soft body. A protective hold. Her lips planted a kiss on your head while you rested it on her shoulder. Her hand played a bit with the blonde strands that flowed down your head. The beautiful view was still there though, the sky canvas slowly faded into a dark blue palette. Sprinkled with stars. She breathed and then she spoke again.

"I promise, I won't do that again."

But her promises were always the same. Small and useless. They never lasted. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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