Chapter 2

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Harry Pov~

I looked into the mirror and I smile knowing I'm getting married to Niall. An a hour an a half the wedding was going to start and after the wedding we are going to adopted 2 kids. I am really happy I was so ready for this day. But every time I look at the clock I get nervous and my hands start to shake and sweat. I hear a knock on the door it was Shy from school when I wasn't it 1D lets just say she was my girlfriend. As she comes in Harry are you ready I fake a smile yeah. Shy looks at me tell me the truth I am I ready today. A tear fell down Shy comes up and hugs me everything going to be ok. I knkw but maybe if I not good enough for Niall or the kids I don't want them to hate me. Look at me Shy said while she was fixing my bow tie. Everything going to be ok your going to be the best dad ever and husband. And just maybe you might have an awesome life. Harry look at the bright side your getting married get 2 kids but your not going to change anything for your husband or the kids yeah your going to have your ups and down with Niall and the kids but there going to love you no matter what happens in the future plus you have Me,Louis, Liam and Zayn in your life and there wife and kids. (The boys got married to there girlfriend just for the book)Now Harry you are ready for this now let's go you got 10 mins to get in place. Im coming let me look at myself one last time.

Niall Pov~

As im getting ready for the wedding I hear a knock at the door it was Liam and Zayn.Hi guys. They told us to tell you that its time. As I look in the mirror one last time I got in place. As I hear music my heart is happy my hands are starting to sweat. My  knees are wobbly. But nothing going to stop me from getting married. As the door open I look straight and up I see Harry. And he looks at me he as smiling and I smile back.

Skipping Wedding (yall know what happens)

Wedding dinner

As everyone and everybody was clapping we got are food and started eating


Updating tomorrow
I hope you are enjoying this book.
Chapter 3 tomorrow .

Sorry this book is going slow but I promise this book going to be amazing.

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