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It was a beautiful day in May around the fifth, Luffy's birthday and he had stopped in Wano around a city called Noriko  it was a very flowery city and was actually the smallest city in Wano but Luffy didn't care he quickly ran to a restaurant called Princess cafe it was a cafe decorated with baby blue things with white it was beautiful the only thing that didn't match was the workers vibes which seemed annoyed by The Straw hat crew walking in they for some reason didn't seem scared though very weird but they probably didn't know them as he sat down at a table he started demanding for meat lots and lots of meat, he got his meat quicky from a server she handed him four plates of meat for him and his friends, then the server walked away to a table with a black haired girl and the server spoke "miss Y/n you really need to get home your brother has been worried sick about you this past few days" the girl who was called Y/n spoke with a aggressive voice "well my Brother isn't my boss and he doesn't own me I can go where I want and I can protect myself, okay?" the server nodded and walked off.

(the word count is 226 anyways have a good day love yall sm)

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